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An elderly man, Burnside was the mayor of Minoc, and had held office for over twenty years. When the Fellowship Hall of Minoc first opened, Burnside was given an honorary membership by Elynor, even though he held personal doubts about the group. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Burnside greeted the Champion of Virtue with grave news. Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic.
As they spoke, Burnside also mentioned the monument for Owen, the local shipwright, that the Fellowship had sponsored. As the Avatar continued his travels in Minoc, he met Karl, a man whose brother had died in a ship Owen had built. Reviewing the ship's building plans with Julia, the Avatar realized that Owen's ships were flawed, and when he presented this news to the mayor, Burnside agreed that the monument should not be built. As the Avatar continued his quest, Burnside remained in Minoc, guiding the town. |
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An arrogant woman, Elynor was the head counselor of the Fellowship Hall in Minoc, helping the members of the Fellowship to achieve their highest potentials while advancing their unity, worthiness, and trust, while helping the Fellowship head Gregor in his tasks, and as his lover. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Elynor greeted the Champion of Virtue with grave news. Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic.
While searching the sawmill, the Avatar found an ornate candelabra, which he later learned was crafted by Xanthia for the Fellowship; its design incorporating a 'U' for Unity, a 'W' for Worthiness, and a 'T' for Trust. When asked about the candelabra, Elynor surmised that the gypsies had left it there in hopes of framing the Fellowship for the brutal murders, which she believed were carried out by other gypsies due to Frederico's antagonistic nature. When the Avatar asked about the 'Crown Jewel' and Hook, Elynor remarked that she knew nothing about a man with a hook, but that the Avatar should speak to Owen, the local shipwright who the Fellowship had sponsored a monument for, about the ship. As for Elizabeth and Abraham's whereabouts, Elynor mentioned that they were traveling to Paws to visit the shelter there. After the Avatar destroyed the Guardian's Cube Generator in the Meditation Retreat and obtained the Cube prism, Elynor proved more useful in his search for the killers. Elynor confessed that Hook lived in Buccaneer's Den, and that the 'Crown Jewel' was his personal ship. As for the candelabra, Elynor remarked that Hook and Forskis had grown careless by leaving it at the murder site by mistake. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Elynor remained in Minoc, working at her tasks. |
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A handsome craftsman, Gladstone was a glassblower, sculpting bottles, bowls, and all manners of statuary made from glass. Gladstone was also the head of the Artisan's Guild, whose members also included Xanthia, and Seara. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Gladstone greeted the Champion of Virtue with grave news. Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic. When asked about the murders, Gladstone admitted that he did not know Frederico and Tania well, but that their son Sasha had befriended Seara earlier.
Gladstone told the Avatar of the Britannian Tax Council's taxation of their group, and reflected that the Fellowship had unofficially marked them as enemies as none of the Guild members were members of the Fellowship. As they spoke, Gladstone also mentioned the monument that was being built in honor of Owen, the local shipwright, and lamented that when it was completed, the local commerce would become troublesome for the Artisan's Guild, possibly forcing it into bankruptcy. As the Avatar continued his quest, Gladstone remained in Minoc, creating beautiful glass. |
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A cheerful woman, Xanthia made candelabras, and was a member of the Artisan's Guild of Minoc, along with Gladstone and Seara. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Xanthia greeted the Champion of Virtue with horrible news. Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic. When asked about the murders, Xanthia admitted that she did not know Frederico and Tania personally, but that she had met their son Sasha, who had spent a night in the Artisan's Guild, as a guest of Seara.
When the Avatar had searched the murder site, he had found an ornate candelabra nearby the bodies. When he described it to Xanthia, she was shocked to learn that it was one she had crafted for Elynor, based on the symbol of the Fellowship, and recommended the Avatar speak to Elynor about it immediately. As they spoke, Xanthia also mentioned the monument that was being built in honor of Owen, the local shipwright, and commented that Elynor's recruiting had been very successful in Minoc, with Burnside the mayor, and Gregor the head of the Britannian Mining Company of Minoc both becoming members. As the Avatar continued his quest, Xanthia remained in Minoc, crafting candelabras. |
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A creative-looking young man, Seara made clocks and watches, and was a member of the Artisan's Guild of Minoc, along with Gladstone and Xanthia. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Seara greeted the Champion of Virtue with horrible news. Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic. When asked about the murders, Seara mentioned that Frederico and Tania had been looking for their son Sasha, who had spent a night in the Artisan's Guild, as a guest of Seara, after Frederico had beaten the boy for wanting to join the Fellowship.
Even though he did not follow their beliefs, Seara didn't try to dissuade Sasha from joining the Fellowship, trusting the young man to make his own decisions. Seara also mentioned Sasha's aunt Margareta, a local fortuneteller, who could foretell the future for a few gold coins. As they spoke, Xanthia also mentioned the monument that was being built in honor of Owen, the local shipwright, and remarked that the monument would only enhance the hurtful bad feelings that Owen had caused in Minoc. As the Avatar continued his quest, Seara remained in Minoc, crafting quality timepieces. |
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A powerful man, Zorn was the blacksmith in Minoc, creating weapons and armour for the lands. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Zorn greeted the Champion of Virtue with horrible news. Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic. When asked about the murders, Zorn that he knew of no one that hated the gypsies, and lamented about the state of the world. As they spoke, Zorn also mentioned the monument that was being built in honor of Owen, the local shipwright, and commented that he felt it unimportant to argue about.
When the Avatar was unable to enter the Guardian's Cube Generator in the Meditation Retreat, the Time Lord recommended he seek out Brion of Moonglow about a mysterious mineral known as Caddellite. When asked about the Caddellite, Brion referred the Avatar to his brother Nelson for its location, while recommending Zorn to craft helmets to protect the Avatar. When the Avatar presented Zorn with the Caddellite chunks, the blacksmith was amazed to see the mineral he thought lost with the lost isle of Ambrosia. When asked about the helmets to protect against the Cube Generator, Zorn quickly softened the ore in his fire, took the necessary measurements, and molded it into shape. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Zorn remained in Minoc, crafting quality weaponry. |
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A young man, Owen was the shipwright of Minoc, and also a member of the Fellowship. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Owen greeted the Champion of Virtue with terrible news. Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic. When asked about the murders, Owen remarked that he knew nothing about them, and that he sincerely hoped that talk the events would not keep people from the unveiling of his monument, a forty foot tall statue depicting him holding up a roll of plans, that had been sponsored by the Fellowship.
When the Avatar asked about the 'Crown Jewel', the ship seen in Trinsic after the murders, Owen remarked that he had seen the ship sailing for Paws that morning, and when asked about Hook, he confessed that he had seen a man with a hook wandering around town the night before. As they spoke, Owen told the Avatar about the strange voice that he had heard in his head, and how the Fellowship had taught him to trust the voice and to heed what it said. This voice was the Guardian's, as the Avatar would learn, transmitted across the lands of Britannia via the Cube Generator in the Meditation Retreat. Owen also offered to commission for the Avatar the building of a fine sailing ship, 'The Excellencia', for a hefty sum of 1000 gold pieces, and offered to sell him a fine sextant for a mere 150 gold pieces, and a copy of his book about ship-building. As the Avatar continued his travels in Minoc, he met Karl, a mountain man whose only brother had died while serving on a ship that Owen had built. Reviewing the ship's building plans with Julia, the Avatar realized that Owen's ships were flawed, and when he presented this news to the mayor, Burnside agreed that the monument should not be built. When the Avatar confronted him with the innocent deaths caused by his faulty ships, Owen was overcome with guilt over his vanity, and with a dramatic flourish, Owen killed himself with a dagger, leaving his work behind as his own monument to the greatest shipwright who ever lived. |
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A very worried man, William ran the sawmill in Minoc, taking the logs he received from Ben the logger in Yew, and crafted them into planks which he sold to Owen the shipwright, and to the members of the Artisan's Guild. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, William greeted the Champion of Virtue with terrible news. Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic.
When asked about the murders, William confessed that he had found the bodies that morning when he went to open his sawmill, but swore that he had seen nor heard anything the night before. As they spoke, William told the Avatar about his membership with the Fellowship, and of Owen's monument that was being sponsored by Elynor and the Fellowship. As the Avatar continued his quest, William remained in Minoc, providing the building materials for the tinkers of the town. |
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A weary-looking man missing his right eye and arm, Rutherford was the barkeep of The Checquered Cork, offering a cornucopia variety of food and drink for the weary traveler. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Rutherford greeted the Champion of Virtue with terrible news. Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic. When asked about the murders, Rutherford remarked that if the Avatar was the murderer, he would not be asking about the murders in Minoc.
As they spoke, Rutherford recalled that the 'Crown Jewel', a ship seen in Trinsic during the murders there, was in town the night of the murders, and when asked about Avatar, Rutherford confessed that he knew Hook from his days as a pirate on Buccaneer's Den, and that Hook had taken his eye and arm during a fierce battle. When the Avatar described the murder scene, Rutherford agreed that it sounded like Hook's handiwork. Rutherford also mentioned the monument that was being built in honor of Owen, the local shipwright, and mentioned that while he wasn't a member, he was glad the Fellowship was around to keep the town together. While the Avatar was there, Rutherford quoted a price of eight gold pieces per person for a room per night, which the Avatar and his party used when needed. As the Avatar continued his quest, Rutherford remained in Minoc, running the Checquered Cork. |
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A mountain man, Karl lived in the wilderness surrounding Minoc, sleeping in a rough cabin southeast of the Britannian Mining Company office. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Karl greeted the Champion of Virtue coldly, and when asked about the murders of Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, Karl remarked that perhaps when the Avatar found the killers he could build a monument to them. When asked about his comment, Karl confessed that his only brother had served aboard a ship built by Owen, the local shipwright, and had died when the ship sank during the first storm it had encountered. When Karl confronted Owen with the news about that ship and the three other ships of the same design that had all sunk within the first year of their launch, Owen denied that it had anything to do with his workmanship.
Not satisfied, Karl stole the plans to the ships, preventing Owen from building any further ships that would sink, and retreated to the wilderness, hoping to unlock the secrets of the plans. When the Avatar asked about the plans, Karl remarked bitterly that he was unable to understand them, but that he had hoped to show them to Julia the tinker. After the Avatar recovered the plans, and discussed them with Julia and Burnside, the town mayor, he confronted Owen with the truth, who in his guilt killed himself. When the Avatar told Karl of the news, the old mountain man apologized for his behavior toward the Avatar. Karl also expressed his love for Avatar's fine wine, remarking that it was the purpose to the existence of civilization. As the Avatar continued his quest, Karl remained in Minoc, his revenge satisfied. |
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A domineering old man, Gregor was the head of the Britannian Mining Company in Minoc, employing Mikos, Fodus, Owings, and Malloy. Gregor was also the head of the Fellowship branch, often being aided by the head counselor Elynor, who was also his lover. Based in what was once the Dungeon Covetous, the Minoc mine produced a wide range of ores, including the mineral known as blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove. Under the orders of Batlin, Elizabeth, and Abraham, Gregor provided the Fellowship with the blackrock needed for the construction of the Black Gate within the Isle of the Avatar, which during the Astronomical Alignment, would allow the Guardian access to Britannia.
When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Gregor greeted the Champion of Virtue with terrible news. Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic. When asked about the murders, Gregor lamented the terrible crime, and reflected on how the sawmill would become renowned for the murders committed there. As they spoke, Gregor told the Avatar about the monument that was being built in honor of Owen, the local shipwright, and admitted that he had helped Burnside the mayor to organize the event. Gregor also expressed his disapproval of the Artisan's Guild dissension toward the Fellowship. As the Avatar continued his quest, Gregor remained in Minoc, guiding the Britannian Mining Company. |
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A sneering man, Mikos was the foreman for the Britannian Mining Company in Minoc, and was a member of the Fellowship. Mikos was employed by Gregor, and was responsible for overseeing Fodus, Owings, and Malloy within the Minoc mine, built in what was once the Dungeon Covetous, which produced many different ores, including the mineral known as blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove. Under the orders of Batlin, Elizabeth, and Abraham, Mikos helped Gregor provide the Fellowship with the blackrock needed for the construction of the Black Gate within the Isle of the Avatar, which during the Astronomical Alignment, would allow the Guardian access to Britannia.
When the Avatar arrived in Minoc, Mikos greeted the Champion of Virtue coldly, and when asked about the brutal murders of Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, he spat on the ground, cursing the township, stating that he was safe within the mines. As they spoke, Mikos told the Avatar of the dangers within the mines, and warned him against casual wanderings within the dungeon. Later, after he had met the gargoyle Fodus, the Avatar told Mikos about the 'silver fluid' the gargoyle kept muttering about, to which Mikos remarked that Fodus was probably trying to get out of his duties. As the Avatar continued his quest, Mikos remained in Minoc, overseeing the mines. |
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A wingless gargoyle, Fodus was a digger for the Britannian Mining Company in Minoc, employed by Gregor, and was overseen by Mikos within the Minoc mine, built in what was once the Dungeon Covetous. When the Avatar arrived in Minoc, Fodus greeted the Champion of Virtue deliriously, suffering from a terrible skin disease, his skin flaking off in patches. As they spoke, Fodus told the Avatar that he dug for certain ores such as iron and lead, and a secret ore known as blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove.
When asked about the blackrock, Fodus fell into a delirium, and began mumbling about the silver serpent venom that Mikos had given him, and confessed that the blackrock lode was located in a hidden area of the mine. As the Avatar continued his quest, Fodus remained in Minoc, working the mines. |
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A skinny man with a silly smile, Owings was a mining engineer for the Britannian Mining Company in Minoc, working alongside his friend Malloy. Employed by Gregor, and overseen by Mikos, Owings worked within the Minoc mine, built in what was once the Dungeon Covetous. When the Avatar arrived in Minoc, Owings greeted the Champion of Virtue, nodding his head as his helmet fell down over his eyes. Owings and Malloy told the Avatar about an ancient treasure map they had paid nearly 100 gold pieces for from a funny man dressed as the Avatar. The false Avatar, Sullivan, had lied to the two friends, selling them a map to a piece of land already owned by the Britannian Mining Company, but when the BMC wanted to place the two in the prison of Yew, they convinced Gregor that they would be more valuable as workers.
Swearing them to secrecy, the Britannian Mining Company set Owings and Malloy to work digging a secret tunnel from the Minoc mine to New Magincia. Explaining that bringing in proper mining equipment would spoil the secret, the two friends were each given a spoon and a mining helmet to work with. As they spoke, Owings remarked that they had sent Lord British a mining helmet, after Sullivan had told them about the King being hit in the head twice before, but had not heard a reply. The Avatar later realized that Owings' large hat would fit Malloy's head, while Malloy's smaller helmet would be perfect for Owings. Their helmet problems corrected, the two friends continued their work on the secret Minoc/New Magincia tunnel, as the Avatar continued his own quest. |
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A short, roly-poly man with a pompous smirk, Malloy was a mining engineer for the Britannian Mining Company in Minoc, working alongside his friend Owings. Employed by Gregor, and overseen by Mikos, Malloy worked within the Minoc mine, built in what was once the Dungeon Covetous. When the Avatar arrived in Minoc, Malloy greeted the Champion of Virtue, rubbing a sore spot on the back of his head. Malloy and Owings told the Avatar about an ancient treasure map they had paid nearly 100 gold pieces for from a funny man dressed as the Avatar. The false Avatar, Sullivan, had lied to the two friends, selling them a map to a piece of land already owned by the Britannian Mining Company, but when the BMC wanted to place the two in the prison of Yew, they convinced Gregor that they would be more valuable as workers.
Swearing them to secrecy, the Britannian Mining Company set Malloy and Owings to work digging a secret tunnel from the Minoc mine to New Magincia. Explaining that bringing in proper mining equipment would spoil the secret, the two friends were each given a spoon and a mining helmet to work with. As they spoke, Malloy checked their schedule, and realizing that they would be done in a mere 173 years, told the Avatar that he and Owings needed to work faster. The Avatar later realized that Malloy's small helmet would fit Owings' head, while Owings' larger helmet would be perfect for Malloy. Their helmet problems corrected, the two friends continued their work on the secret Minoc/New Magincia tunnel, as the Avatar continued his own quest. |
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A swarthy man with soulful eyes, Jergi was the King of the Gypsies, and was the husband of Margareta. Jergi's family had moved their tribe to Minoc in the hopes of fleeing the hatreds that had pursued their people. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Jergi greeted the Champion of Virtue with sad news. Frederico and Tania, his brother and sister-in-law, the previous leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic.
When asked about the murders, Jergi lamented about his brother's prides and passions that many misunderstood, but reflected that he lacked any knowledge of the act. Jergi also mentioned his nephew Sasha, who had joined the Fellowship, but felt responsible for his father and mother's deaths, even though Jergi did not blame him, and recommended the Avatar speak with his wife Margareta about his future. As they spoke, Jergi revealed his desire to be accepted by the people of Britannia, and with the murders, felt that they needed to move soon. As the Avatar continued his quest, Jergi remained in Minoc, guiding his people. |
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Wife of Avatar, Margareta was the fortuneteller for the Gypsies of Minoc, guiding her people by her visions. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Margareta greeted the Champion of Virtue with terrible news. Frederico and Tania, her brother-in-law and sister-in-law, the previous leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic. When asked about the murders, Margareta remarked that she had warned Frederico about the dark deed, but he refused to heed her counsel. Margareta also spoke of her nephew Sasha, who had been led astray by the Fellowship, but he would learn the error of his ways after his father's death.
Margareta offered to tell the Avatar of his destiny for 20 gold pieces, and when he paid, she peered into her crystal ball. She spoke of a woman standing by a shrine, Nastassia, who was in love with the Avatar; of the Avatar's eventual joining with the Fellowship under Batlin to learn of their secrets; of a new evil that threatened Britannia, the Guardian who had affected the ether of the world, and would use the Astronomical Alignment to gain greater power; of the man in the Observatory, Brion, who would teach the Avatar more about the Alignment and give him a useful device; the man who the Avatar hunted for the murders, Nastassia, who was not his true adversary, but finding him would be necessary in the Avatar's ultimate quest; and the Avatar's future meeting with the Time Lord, who the Avatar could contact via the Wisps in the Deep Forest of Yew. After her vision, Margareta slumped back and closed her eyes to rest after the exhausting ordeal, while the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia. |
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A young lad, Sasha was a gypsy, and a member of the Fellowship. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Sasha greeted the Champion of Virtue with sad news. His parents, Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic. When asked about the murders, Sasha told the Avatar he did not know why anyone would want to harm them.
As they spoke, Sasha explained that he was staying with his aunt and uncle, Margareta and Jergi, even though they did not approve of his joining the Fellowship. When Sasha asked Margareta if he should return to the Fellowship, she refused to answer him, forcing him to make his own decisions. As the Avatar continued his quest, Sasha remained in Minoc, grieving for his parents. |
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A stealthy-looking woman, Karenna was a trainer in Minoc, specializing in the skills of Combat and Dexterity. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Karenna greeted the Champion of Virtue with horrible news. Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic. When asked about the murders, Karenna remarked that she had felt the gypsies were good people, and confessed that the worse thing she had seen Frederico do was cast a rock through a window at the Fellowship branch.
As they spoke, Karenna offered to train the Avatar for 20 gold pieces per session, remarking that with the recent murders, he would be best served in learning how to properly defend himself. Karenna also mentioned the monument that was being built in honor of Owen, the local shipwright, and reflected that such a benign object should not cause such hardships in the town. When asked about Jakher, the other trainer in the training hall, Karenna confessed that she believed him an able trainer in his own right, and that she found him cute as well. When the Avatar revealed that Jakher found her attractive, Karenna commented on how she had known for years about his feelings, but Jakher would always deny them. As the Avatar continued his quest, Karenna remained in Minoc, training those in need. |
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A stern but friendly-looking man, Jakher was a trainer in Minoc, specializing in the skills of Strength and Intelligence. When the Avatar first arrived in Minoc, Jakher greeted the Champion of Virtue with horrible news. Frederico and Tania, leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, had been brutally murdered in the sawmill, and when the Avatar investigated the site, he realized they had been killed in a manner consistent with the deaths of Christopher and Inamo in Trinsic. When asked about the murders, Jakher remarked that he believed the killers were not from Minoc, and had probably left the town as soon as it was possible.
As they spoke, Jakher offered to train the Avatar for 20 gold pieces per session. Jakher also mentioned the monument that was being built in honor of Owen, the local shipwright, and mentioned that Owen blamed himself for the death of Karl's brother, and had taken to drinking heavily before he joined the Fellowship. When asked about Karenna, the other trainer in the training hall, Jakher confessed that he found her to be a skillful and fierce fighter, but she was short-sighted in her tactics, although she was very attractive. When the Avatar revealed that Karenna found him cute, Jakher revealed that he knew her feelings for years, but had been uncomfortable in sharing the same roof with her after a lightning strike had burned down the other training hall. As the Avatar continued his quest, Jakher remained in Minoc, training those in need. |
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