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An attractive woman dressed in armour, Amanda was on a quest with her half-sister Eiko to the find Iskander Ironheart, a cyclops who was the murderer of their father Kalideth. When the Avatar, on the advice of the Time Lord, conducted a search within the Dungeon Deceit for the Guardian's Tetrahedron Generator, which was constructed from blackrock, a mysterious mineral being researched by Rudyom of Cove, that was twisting the magical ether of Britannia rendering the mages insane, he met Amanda who greeted the Champion of Virtue, and explained that she and Eiko had been trained by Karenna of Minoc in order to master the skills needed for their vengeance, and that the two had not met before their father's death, but had bonded close during their training. Amanda told the Avatar how Kalideth had been impaled on a spear, suffering for several hours from the belly wound before he died. As they spoke, Amanda explained that they had been tracking Iskander for years, following him from one end of Britannia to the other.
During the Avatar's search of the Dungeon Deceit, he learned the truth of Kalideth's death from Iskander, who explained that Kalideth, a mage who had become insane from the nearby Tetrahedron Generator, had blamed the failure of magic on the cyclops race and had attacked Iskander with potent magics before being killed in self-defense. After the destruction of the Tetrahedron Generator, the Avatar explained the truth to Amanda about her father's madness, to which the woman angrily stated that the Avatar had robbed them of their rightful vengeance, but her sister Eiko explained that with the settling of Kalideth's death they could devote their lives to themselves. Confused, Amanda promised to stop hunting Iskandar, but told the Avatar that she needed time to reflect on her inner peace, commenting that they had considered joining the Fellowship, a group founded by Batlin, that offered guidance to lost souls. As the Avatar continued his quest, Amanda remained in the Dungeon Deceit. |
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A stunningly attractive oriental woman, Eiko was on a quest with her half-sister Amanda to the find Iskander Ironheart, a cyclops who was the murderer of their father Kalideth. When the Avatar, on the advice of the Time Lord, conducted a search within the Dungeon Deceit for the Guardian's Tetrahedron Generator, which was constructed from blackrock, a mysterious mineral being researched by Rudyom of Cove, that was twisting the magical ether of Britannia rendering the mages insane, he met Eiko who greeted the Champion of Virtue, and explained that she and Amanda had not met before their father's death, but Eiko had always believed that she had a sister somewhere. Eiko told the Avatar that Kalideth had been working to find out why magic was no longer working when he was killed by Iskander. As they spoke, Eiko explained that they had vowed to avenge Kalideth's death, and told the Avatar that Iskander had a more human nickname, but was unaware of it.
During the Avatar's search of the Dungeon Deceit, he learned the truth of Kalideth's death from Iskander, who explained that Kalideth, who had become insane from the nearby Tetrahedron Generator, had blamed the failure of magic on the cyclops race and had attacked Iskander with potent magics before being killed in self-defense. After the destruction of the Tetrahedron Generator, the Avatar explained the truth to Eiko about her father's death, to which the woman calmly reflected that their vengeance against Iskander had become unjust, a decision that Amanda disagreed with. As the Avatar continued his quest, Eiko remained in the Dungeon Deceit. |
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A large cyclops, Iskander was of the Ironheart clan, and was the eleventh son of Valador. Although he was only 206 years old, Iskander was considered a hero by his people, as 189 years before he slew the seven Gazer princes that had stolen the eye from the leader of his tribe, who had considered the eye of a cyclops to be a delicacy, earning the nickname of 'Wonder Boy'. At the behest of his tribe, Iskander had traveled the length of Britannia searching for a place of safety for the tribe to settle. When the Avatar, on the advice of the Time Lord, conducted a search within the Dungeon Deceit for the Guardian's Tetrahedron Generator, which was constructed from blackrock, a mysterious mineral being researched by Rudyom of Cove, that was twisting the magical ether of Britannia rendering the mages insane, he met Iskander who greeted the Champion of Virtue calmly, explaining that he had heard of the Avatar's adventures and considered him a just and noble man. Iskander explained that he hoped the Dungeon Deceit would be relatively safe due to the lack of magic, but had been puzzled by the strange puzzle that made the Tetrahedron Generator impossible to enter. This puzzle, involving amnesia, could only be defeated by the Ethereal Ring, a magical artifact owned by Penumbra of Moonglow.
During the Avatar's search of the Dungeon Deceit, he had met the half-sisters Eiko and Amanda, who were hunting Iskander for the murder of their father Kalideth. When confronted, Iskander explained that Kalideth, a mage who had become insane from the nearby Tetrahedron Generator, had blamed the failure of magic on the cyclops race and had attacked Iskander with potent magics before being killed in self-defense. Iskander reflected that while he was aware of Eiko's and Amanda's vengeance against him, he had no plans to flee from them, and welcomed their attempt on his life. After the destruction of the Tetrahedron Generator, the Avatar explained the truth to Eiko and Amanda about their father's madness, to which the women promised to stop hunting Iskandar. As the Avatar continued his quest, Iskander remained in the Dungeon Deceit. |
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A wandering man, Brother Wayne was a monk of the Brotherhood of the Rose, an order dedicated to Love within Empath Abbey in Yew. When the Avatar, on the advice of the Time Lord, conducted a search within the Dungeon Despise for the Guardian's Sphere Generator, which was constructed from blackrock, a mysterious mineral being researched by Rudyom of Cove, that had was causing the Moongates across Britannia to become unstable, he met Brother Wayne who greeted the Champion of Virtue sheepishly, explaining that he was lost within the Dungeon Despise.
As they spoke, Brother Wayne explained that he studied geography and nature along with Taylor, a fellow monk from the Abbey, but admitted that perhaps he should have studied a bit harder. Brother Wayne told the Avatar that of all the things in nature, he found birds his favorite, especially the Golden-Cheeked Warbler, and admitted that he found plants and flowers especially lovely, scattered across the colors of the rainbow, suggesting the Avatar speak with Aimi, a fellow monk of the Abbey who maintained a beautiful flower garden and who also made a bold attempt at painting. After the destruction of the Sphere Generator, Brother Wayne remained in the Dungeon Despise, as the Avatar continued his quest. |
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A wild-looking man, Garok Al-Mat was a mage who had traveled to the Dungeon Despise searching for the disturbance in the magical ether of Britannia. When the Avatar, on the advice of the Time Lord, conducted a search within the Dungeon Despise for the Guardian's Sphere Generator, which was constructed from blackrock, a mysterious mineral being researched by Rudyom of Cove, that had was causing the Moongates across Britannia to become unstable, he met Garok Al-Mat who challenged the Champion of Virtue asking if the Avatar was a member of the Britannian Tax Council. When assured that he was not, Garok Al-Mat told the Avatar that the group had been searching for him for the last three years when Garok Al-Mat had neglected to report a certain amount of income for reagent distribution. Garok Al-Mat explained that when he had first noticed the disturbance in the ether, he had begun to hear a voice within his head, congratulating or scolding him for his actions. Using his crystal ball, Garok Al-Mat had learned that the disturbance was localized within a dungeon, and had started his search within the Dungeon Despise.
During his quests, the Avatar had learned that the Guardian's Tetrahedron Generator, located within the Dungeon Deceit and also constructed from blackrock, was responsible for twisting the magical ether of Britannia, rendering the mages insane. When informed of this, Garok Al-Mat realized that he had the right idea, but merely the wrong dungeon. As they spoke, Garok Al-Mat told the Avatar about Brother Wayne, a monk of the Brotherhood of the Rose, an order dedicated to Love within Empath Abbey, who was also lost within the Dungeon Despise, and asked the Avatar for directions out. Learning the correct path, Garok Al-Mat offered the Avatar some reagents that he had, commenting that they were useless to him. Garok Al-Mat then teleported himself out of the Dungeon Despise, as the Avatar continued his quest. |
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A wide-eyed youth, Cosmo was the betrothed of Ophelia, a beautiful barmaid at the Bunk and Stool in Jhelom. When the Avatar, completing a test for Batlin, founder of the Fellowship, in order to gain membership into the Fellowship, on the advice of Margareta of Minoc, traveled to the Dungeon Destard, he met Cosmo who greeted the Champion of Virtue nervously. Cosmo told the Avatar that he was in the Dungeon Destard, along with his friends Cairbre, a sell-sword, and Kallibrus, a wingless gargoyle warrior, searching for the unicorn Lasher, who he hoped could prove his virginity to Ophelia, who was concerned that Cosmo might not be pure on their wedding night.
During his travels in the Dungeon Destard, the Avatar learned from Lasher that there had never been a male virginity test. When told of this, Cosmo stated that he would not give up his quest to marry Ophelia. As the Avatar continued his quest, Cosmo remained in the Dungeon Destard. |
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A confident man, Cairbre was a sell-sword, hiring his skills out to adventurers. When the Avatar, completing a test for Batlin, founder of the Fellowship, in order to gain membership into the Fellowship, on the advice of Margareta of Minoc, traveled to the Dungeon Destard, he met Cairbre who greeted the Champion of Virtue. Cairbre told the Avatar that he was in the Dungeon Destard along with Kallibrus, a wingless gargoyle warrior who Cairbre felt was a trustworthy companion who disproved the rumors about gargoyles, accompanying Cosmo, a friend of his, who was searching for the unicorn Lasher in an attempt to prove his virginity to Ophelia, a barmaid at the Bunk and Stool in Jhelom, who Cosmo had fallen in love with at first sight, but who not love Cosmo, sending him on the quest in the hopes of getting rid of him, doubting that Cosmo would find the unicorn, let alone return to her.
As they spoke, Cairbre explained that the irony of the situation was that Lasher would probably shun Ophelia, and that while Cosmo was not to her tastes, Cairbre believed that if Cosmo truly got to know Ophelia, she would not be to his. As the Avatar continued his quest, Cairbre remained in the Dungeon Destard. |
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A reserved wingless gargoyle, Kallibrus was a warrior who hired himself out to adventurers. When the Avatar, completing a test for Batlin, founder of the Fellowship, in order to gain membership into the Fellowship, on the advice of Margareta of Minoc, traveled to the Dungeon Destard, he met Kallibrus who greeted the False Prophet. Kallibrus explained that he was in the Dungeon Destard along with Cairbre, a sell-sword who Kallibrus was bonded to as a good friend, helping Cosmo, another friend, to locate the unicorn Lasher in order to prove his virginity to Ophelia, a barmaid at the Bunk and Stool in Jhelom, who Cosmo loved, but who Cairbre insisted did not love him.
As they spoke, Kallibrus confessed to the Avatar that he was uncertain about the meaning of sex, but that he felt it had to do with the human reproduction system, explaining that gargoyles reproduced differently. Despite his difficulty, Kallibrus explained that he would help Cosmo in his quest anyway. As the Avatar continued his quest, Kallibrus remained in the Dungeon Destard. |
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An intelligent creature, Lasher was a unicorn, a nature spirit in the shape of a horse. When the Avatar, completing a test for Batlin, founder of the Fellowship, in order to gain membership into the Fellowship, on the advice of Margareta of Minoc, traveled to the Dungeon Destard, he met Lasher who welcomed the Champion of Virtue. Lasher explained to the Avatar that unicorns were fool-proof virgin detectors, as the very act of physical contact with anyone who was not a virgin caused an unpleasant sensation that they were very sensitive to. Lasher confessed that this was not always the case, as the nature spirits were once known for their randiness until a wizard, seeking to seduce a ravishing maiden, called upon the spirits for their help. For some reason, their herd leader, Sharp-Hoof, decided that rather than heed the wizard's rightful ritual of calling, he would lead the held after a bevy of fine fillies. The next morning, the wizard bound the held into service for a thousand years, and in an attempt to bolster his diminished feelings of manhood, the wizard laid a terrible Curse of Chastity upon the herd, forcing them to kill the female members of the clan due to their particular sensitivity. As time progressed, people began to demand that the unicorns test their soon-to-be brides to prove their virginity, often causing many engagements to be destroyed.
As they spoke, Lasher explained to the Avatar that each time he entered Britannia via a Moongate, his virginity was magically restored, and when asked, Lasher recommended the Avatar seek out Cove in the pursuit of love, but recommended the Baths on Buccaneer's Den if he only sought lust. During his travels in the Dungeon Destard, the Avatar met Cosmo, a warrior who sought Lasher in order to prove his virginity to Ophelia, his betrothed who worked as a barmaid at the Bunk and Stool in Jhelom. When the Avatar explained the situation to him, Lasher confessed that he had never heard of a male virginity test before, but promised to aid Cosmo. As the Avatar continued his quest, Lasher remained in the Dungeon Destard. |
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A demented nobleman, Martingo was the self-proclaimed Sultan of Spektran, ruling the small island northwest of Terfin. When the gargoyles, fleeing the destruction of the Underworld, an act prophesized in the Culture of the Gargoyles, Martingo sold the isle of Terfin to Lord Draxinusom in exchange for the Ethereal Ring, a magical artifact originally owned by Penumbra of Moonglow. When the Avatar, following the advice of the Time Lord in order to enter the Guardian's Tetrahedron Generator in the Dungeon Deceit, responsible for twisting the magical ether of Britannia, traveled to the isle of Spektran to retrieve the Ethereal Ring, Martingo greeted the Champion of Virtue, and offered to sell him a banana for 3 gold pieces.
As they spoke, Martingo introduced the Avatar to 'Lucinda', an invisible member of his harem of eleven women. When the Avatar asked about the Ethereal Ring, Martingo admitted that he had purchased the Ring from Draxinusom, and that the Ring was kept along with his other magical treasures in a vault, but warned the Avatar that he would need the key to enter. As the Avatar approached the vault, a magical stone harpy attacked viciously, and could only be killed by magical means. After a short battle, the stone harpy lay smashed on the floor of the vault, and within the Avatar recovered the key to Martingo's vault, where he recovered the Ethereal Ring. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Martingo remained on the isle of Spektran, overseeing his kingdom. |
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Brother of Elizabeth, Abraham was the Fellowship branch leader on Buccaneer's Den, although he often traveled with Elizabeth across Britannia collecting and distributing the group's funds while leaving Danag as interim branch leader. Nearly 20 years before, Abraham, Elizabeth, and Batlin founded the Fellowship, established with the consent of Lord British, a group dedicated to reaching the highest levels of human potential and to share the knowledge freely with all people, by following the philosophy of sanguine cognition, a way to apply a positive order of thought to one's life through what was called the Triad of Inner Strength, based on the three values Strive For Unity, Trust Thy Brother and Worthiness Precedes Reward, and as time progressed, the Fellowship grew to spread across Britannia.
While the majority of the Fellowship followers believed their lives would be helped, a select few were party to the truth about the Fellowship. A malevolent dimensional being known as the Guardian sought to gain power and dominion in Britannia, and was being assisted by the top lieutenants in the Fellowship. To aid in his plans, the Fellowship had constructed three massive Generators, each constructed from Blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove. The first of these was in the shape of a Tetrahedron, located within the walls of the Dungeon Deceit, which was twisting the magical ether within Britannia, rendering the mages insane. The second was shaped as a Sphere, located deep within Dungeon Despise, which was responsible for causing the Moongates of the land to become unstable. And finally the third was a great Cube, located within the Meditation Retreat, which was used by the Guardian to allow his followers to hear their 'Inner Voice', which was actually the Guardian directing his followers. The Fellowship was also responsible for the construction of the Black Gate, an enormous Moongate made from Blackrock, located deep within a hidden chamber on the Isle of the Avatar. As one of the Guardian's lieutenants, Abraham was responsible for coordinating executions for the Fellowship, sending Hook, the Fellowship's chief executioner, and his henchman Forskis, a wingless gargoyle, to kill anyone who rebelled against or threatened the Fellowship or the Guardian's plans toward Britannia. When the Avatar first arrived in Britannia via a red Moongate, he found the mutilated body of Christopher, the blacksmith of Trinsic and father of Spark, and during the course of his investigations, tracked Abraham to the Isle of the Avatar. After a short journey through the underground complex the Fellowship had built beneath the Isle, the Avatar and his party arrived in the Chamber of the Black Gate, moments before the Guardian was to enter Britannia. As he approached the Black Gate Dais, Batlin spotted the Champion of Virtue, exclaiming that there was no way the Avatar could succeed in his quest. As Batlin, Elizabeth, Hook, and Forskis argued about his fate, Abraham suggested making fish bait of the Avatar, and with a roar of agreement, the lieutenants of the Fellowship sentenced the Avatar to immediate death. After a fierce and bloody battle, Abraham's body lay cooling on the floor alongside his companions. Even as the Guardian tempted him with a passageway back to Earth, the Avatar was resolute in his quest, and with regret heavy in his heart, the Avatar used Rudyom's Wand to destroy the Black Gate, ending the Guardian's threat to Britannia. |
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Sister of Abraham, Elizabeth was Director of Special Projects for the Fellowship, although she often traveled with Abraham across Britannia collecting and distributing the group's funds. Nearly 20 years before, Elizabeth, Abraham, and Batlin founded the Fellowship, established with the consent of Lord British, a group dedicated to reaching the highest levels of human potential and to share the knowledge freely with all people, by following the philosophy of sanguine cognition, a way to apply a positive order of thought to one's life through what was called the Triad of Inner Strength, based on the three values Strive For Unity, Trust Thy Brother and Worthiness Precedes Reward, and as time progressed, the Fellowship grew to spread across Britannia.
While the majority of the Fellowship followers believed their lives would be helped, a select few were party to the truth about the Fellowship. A malevolent dimensional being known as the Guardian sought to gain power and dominion in Britannia, and was being assisted by the top lieutenants in the Fellowship. To aid in his plans, the Fellowship had constructed three massive Generators, each constructed from Blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove. The first of these was in the shape of a Tetrahedron, located within the walls of the Dungeon Deceit, which was twisting the magical ether within Britannia, rendering the mages insane. The second was shaped as a Sphere, located deep within Dungeon Despise, which was responsible for causing the Moongates of the land to become unstable. And finally the third was a great Cube, located within the Meditation Retreat, which was used by the Guardian to allow his followers to hear their 'Inner Voice', which was actually the Guardian directing his followers. As one of the Guardian's lieutenants, Elizabeth was also responsible for helping the Fellowship in the construction of the Black Gate, an enormous Moongate made from Blackrock, located deep within a hidden chamber on the Isle of the Avatar. When the Avatar first arrived in Britannia via a red Moongate, he found the mutilated body of Christopher, the blacksmith of Trinsic and father of Spark, and during the course of his investigations, tracked Elizabeth to the Isle of the Avatar. After a short journey through the underground complex the Fellowship had built beneath the Isle, the Avatar and his party arrived in the Chamber of the Black Gate, moments before the Guardian was to enter Britannia. As he approached the Black Gate Dais, Batlin spotted the Champion of Virtue, exclaiming that there was no way the Avatar could succeed in his quest. As Batlin, Abraham, Hook, and Forskis argued about his fate, Elizabeth proclaimed death to the Avatar while swearing fealty to the Guardian, and with a roar of agreement, the lieutenants of the Fellowship sentenced the Avatar to immediate death. After a fierce and bloody battle, Elizabeth was slain alongside her companions. Even as the Guardian tempted him with a passageway back to Earth, the Avatar was resolute in his quest, and with regret heavy in his heart, the Avatar used Rudyom's Wand to destroy the Black Gate, ending the Guardian's threat to Britannia. |
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A vicious wingless gargoyle, Forskis, meaning 'henchman', was a member of the Fellowship, a group founded by Batlin, Elizabeth, and Abraham nearly 20 years earlier, established with the consent of Lord British, dedicated to reaching the highest levels of human potential and to share the knowledge freely with all people, by following the philosophy of sanguine cognition, a way to apply a positive order of thought to one's life through what was called the Triad of Inner Strength, based on the three values Strive For Unity, Trust Thy Brother and Worthiness Precedes Reward, and as time progressed, the Fellowship grew to spread across Britannia.
While the majority of the Fellowship followers believed their lives would be helped, a select few were party to the truth about the Fellowship. A malevolent dimensional being known as the Guardian sought to gain power and dominion in Britannia, and was being assisted by the top lieutenants in the Fellowship. To aid in his plans, the Fellowship had constructed three massive Generators, each constructed from Blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove. The first of these was in the shape of a Tetrahedron, located within the walls of the Dungeon Deceit, which was twisting the magical ether within Britannia, rendering the mages insane. The second was shaped as a Sphere, located deep within Dungeon Despise, which was responsible for causing the Moongates of the land to become unstable. And finally the third was a great Cube, located within the Meditation Retreat, which was used by the Guardian to allow his followers to hear their 'Inner Voice', which was actually the Guardian directing his followers. The Fellowship was also responsible for the construction of the Black Gate, an enormous Moongate made from Blackrock, located deep within a hidden chamber on the Isle of the Avatar. As one of the Guardian's lieutenants, Forskis assisted Hook, the chief executioner for the Fellowship, in the ritual execution of anyone who rebelled against or threatened the Fellowship or the Guardian's plans toward Britannia. When the Avatar first arrived in Britannia via a red Moongate, he found the mutilated body of Christopher, the blacksmith of Trinsic and father of Spark, who Forskis and Hook had murdered when Christopher tried to leave the Fellowship. As he continued his investigations, the Avatar learned of the murders of Frederico and Tania, parents of Sasha and the leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, where he discovered an odd dagger similar to the weaponry of the Library of Scars, a training school in Jhelom ran by Master De Snel, who the Avatar later learned was the first executioner for the Fellowship, and who had trained both Forskis and Hook in their duties. When the Avatar learned the true nature of the Fellowship from Alagner of New Magincia, Forskis, Hook, Elizabeth, and Abraham killed the sage to prevent the truth from being known. During the course of his investigations, the Avatar finally tracked Forskis to the Isle of the Avatar. After a short journey through the underground complex the Fellowship had built beneath the Isle, the Avatar and his party arrived in the Chamber of the Black Gate, moments before the Guardian was to enter Britannia. As he approached the Black Gate Dais, Batlin spotted the Champion of Virtue, exclaiming that there was no way the Avatar could succeed in his quest. As Batlin, Elizabeth, Abraham, and Hook argued about his fate, Forskis exclaimed to kill the False Prophet, and with a roar of agreement, the lieutenants of the Fellowship sentenced the Avatar to immediate death. After a fierce and bloody battle, Forskis was killed alongside his companions. Even as the Guardian tempted him with a passageway back to Earth, the Avatar was resolute in his quest, and with regret heavy in his heart, the Avatar used Rudyom's Wand to destroy the Black Gate, ending the Guardian's threat to Britannia. |
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A cruel man, Hook was a member of the Fellowship, a group founded by Batlin, Elizabeth, and Abraham nearly 20 years earlier, established with the consent of Lord British, dedicated to reaching the highest levels of human potential and to share the knowledge freely with all people, by following the philosophy of sanguine cognition, a way to apply a positive order of thought to one's life through what was called the Triad of Inner Strength, based on the three values Strive For Unity, Trust Thy Brother and Worthiness Precedes Reward, and as time progressed, the Fellowship grew to spread across Britannia. While the majority of the Fellowship followers believed their lives would be helped, a select few were party to the truth about the Fellowship.
A malevolent dimensional being known as the Guardian sought to gain power and dominion in Britannia, and was being assisted by the top lieutenants in the Fellowship. To aid in his plans, the Fellowship had constructed three massive Generators, each constructed from Blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove. The first of these was in the shape of a Tetrahedron, located within the walls of the Dungeon Deceit, which was twisting the magical ether within Britannia, rendering the mages insane. The second was shaped as a Sphere, located deep within Dungeon Despise, which was responsible for causing the Moongates of the land to become unstable. And finally the third was a great Cube, located within the Meditation Retreat, which was used by the Guardian to allow his followers to hear their 'Inner Voice', which was actually the Guardian directing his followers. The Fellowship was also responsible for the construction of the Black Gate, an enormous Moongate made from Blackrock, located deep within a hidden chamber on the Isle of the Avatar. As one of the Guardian's lieutenants, Hook was the chief executioner for the Fellowship, assisted by Forskis, a vicious wingless gargoyle, responsible for the ritual execution of anyone who rebelled against or threatened the Fellowship or the Guardian's plans toward Britannia. When the Avatar first arrived in Britannia via a red Moongate, he found the mutilated body of Christopher, the blacksmith of Trinsic and father of Spark, who Hook and Forskis had murdered when Christopher tried to leave the Fellowship. As he continued his investigations, the Avatar learned of the murders of Frederico and Tania, parents of Sasha and the leaders of the gypsies in Minoc, where he discovered an odd dagger similar to the weaponry of the Library of Scars, a training school in Jhelom ran by Master De Snel, who the Avatar later learned was the first executioner for the Fellowship, and who had trained both Hook and Forskis in their duties. When the Avatar learned the true nature of the Fellowship from Alagner of New Magincia, Hook, Forskis, Elizabeth, and Abraham killed the sage to prevent the truth from being known. During the course of his investigations, the Avatar finally tracked Hook to Buccaneer's Den, where he discovered Hook's lair. Within, the Avatar found a scroll with the schedule for the 'Crown Jewel', Hook's ship that had sailed from Trinsic on the day of Christopher's murder, another scroll listing the various enemies of the Fellowship, including Lord British and the Avatar himself, and finally the key to the Black Gate complex located underneath the Isle of the Avatar. After a short journey, the Avatar and his party arrived in the Chamber of the Black Gate, moments before the Guardian was to enter Britannia. As he approached the Black Gate Dais, Batlin spotted the Champion of Virtue, exclaiming that there was no way the Avatar could succeed in his quest. As Batlin, Elizabeth, Abraham, and Forskis argued about his fate, Hook suggested that they cut the Avatar's throat as he was dangerous, and with a roar of agreement, the lieutenants of the Fellowship sentenced the Avatar to immediate death. After a fierce and bloody battle, Hook fell under the weapons of the Avatar and his party. As he watched Hook's death with icy resignation, time seemed to slow as Batlin turned to the Avatar, gloating that the battle was not over, and that while the Avatar was not an immortal, the Guardian was far more, and warned the Avatar to return to his Earth, where the Guardian would visit his dreams with countless visions of death in the belly of the Great Sea Serpent. With this said, Batlin teleported himself away to safety. Even as the Guardian tempted him with a passageway back to Earth, the Avatar was resolute in his quest, and with regret heavy in his heart, the Avatar used Rudyom's Wand to destroy the Black Gate, ending the Guardian's threat to Britannia. |
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A young, tan, muscular, and handsome man, Ian was the director of the Meditation Retreat for the Fellowship, a group founded by Batlin, Elizabeth, and Abraham, which was located near Serpent's Hold, where Fellowship members could receive philosophical training and study. When the Avatar arrived at the Meditation Retreat, on the advice of the Time Lord, Ian greeted the Champion of Virtue, and explained that only Fellowship members could enter the locked barrier around the isle. Remembering the advice of Margareta of Minoc, the Avatar spoke with Batlin in Britain, and after a short series of tests, the Avatar was confirmed as a member of the Fellowship. When he returned, Ian gave the Avatar a key, and explained that Meditation Retreat was set up to allow Fellowship members to grow and hear the 'inner voice' that would help guide them on the path of Inner Strength.
Any member of the Fellowship was capable of hearing this 'voice', but those within the Meditation Retreat it became much easier. Ian told the Avatar that the only rule within the Meditation Retreat was that the cave inside was considered off-limits to attendees. When the Avatar asked about Elizabeth and Abraham, Ian explained that they had stopped at the Meditation Retreat to deliver funds, but had traveled on to Buccaneer's Den. During his search of the Meditation Retreat, the Avatar located the Guardian's Cube Generator, constructed of blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove, which was the source of the Fellowship's 'inner voice'. After destroying the Cube Generator, the Avatar recovered the smaller Cube Prism, which proved invaluable in his search. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Ian remained at the Meditation Retreat. |
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A native of Balema, Gorn was an adventurer and follower of Brom, having traveled to Britannia via a Moongate many centuries past. During the time of the Second Age of Enlightenment, the Avatar met Gorn within the dungeon of Lord Blackthorn's castle, where Gorn had been imprisoned for violating one of the Laws of Lord Blackthorn, which the tyrannical ruler had created from the Virtues of Lord British. When the Avatar arrived at the Meditation Retreat, on the advice of the Time Lord, Gorn greeted the Champion of Virtue, and explained that he had begun to hear Brom's voice during his travels in Britannia. As he neared the Meditation Retreat, Brom's voice had become clearer, forcing Gorn to sneak into the Retreat. As Gorn searched the caves nearby the Retreat, he came across Iriale Silvermist, who challenged Gorn and struck him with her sword in the head, rendering him unconscious. When he awoke, Gorn continued his search for Brom, who had begun to tell Gorn strange commands such as 'Strive For Unity', to which Gorn felt meant his heroic deeds, 'Trust Thy Brother', which Gorn found strange as his brothers were back in Balema, and finally 'Worthiness Proceeds Reward', which Gorn admitted he had yet to figure out.
During his search of the Meditation Retreat, the Avatar located the Guardian's Cube Generator, constructed of blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove, which was the source of the Fellowship's 'inner voice', which was actually the Guardian speaking to his followers. As they spoke, the Avatar realized that Gorn had been hearing the 'inner voice' of the Guardian, and had mistaken him for Brom, but when the Avatar tried to tell him, Gorn stated that Brom had told him not to trust the Avatar, and he quickly turned away. After destroying the Cube Generator, the Avatar recovered the smaller Cube Prism, which proved invaluable in his search. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Gorn remained at the Meditation Retreat. |
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A striking woman, Iriale Silvermist was a fighter in the employ of the Fellowship, a group founded by Batlin, Elizabeth, and Abraham, and was charged with preventing people from entering the caves behind the Meditation Retreat. When the Avatar arrived at the Meditation Retreat, on the advice of the Time Lord, he searched the caves for the Guardian's Cube Generator, constructed of blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove, which was the source of the Fellowship's 'inner voice', which was the Guardian's voice directing his followers in Britannia, and met Iriale Silvermist nearby. Iriale greeted the Champion of Virtue coldly, and explained that he had broken the rules of the Meditation Retreat, and that Ian, the director of the Retreat, would be most upset. Iriale also mentioned Gorn, the barbarian who the Avatar had met during the Second Age of Enlightenment, stating that she would kill Gorn if she saw him again.
As they spoke, Iriale stressed the need for the Avatar to leave the caves, stating that she worked for the Guardian, and that he did not want the Avatar there. When he refused, Iriale attacked the Avatar viciously, and after a short battle, her body lay cooling on the cavern floor. After destroying the Cube Generator, the Avatar recovered the smaller Cube Prism, which proved invaluable in his search, as the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia. |
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A spritely fairy, Kissme was responsible for spreading love dust all around the lost isle of Ambrosia, an island destroyed soon after the Third Age of Darkness. When the Avatar arrived on Ambrosia, on the advice of Jillian of Moonglow, searching for the mysterious mineral known as Caddellite which would enable the Avatar to enter the Guardian's Cube Generator in the Meditation Retreat, Kissme welcomed the Champion of Virtue, kissing him with the wettest, sloppiest, oozingest, and mushiest smack possible.
As they spoke, Kissme explained that Ambrosia had once been very beautiful, and all of her ancestors had lived there, but Ambrosia had been struck by falling pieces of Caddellite, battering the entire island to bits. When the Avatar asked about the Caddellite, Kissme explained that it had been collected by the three brothers Shandu, Shanda, and Shando who made up the terrible hydra who guarded the Caddellite den. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Kissme remained on Ambrosia, spreading her love dust. |
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Brother to Shanda and Shando, Shandu was the left head of the hydra on Ambrosia, guarding the remains of the meteor, formed from the mysterious mineral known as Caddellite, that was responsible for destroying the lost island of Britannia soon after the Third Age of Darkness. When the Avatar arrived on Ambrosia, on the advice of Jillian of Moonglow, searching for the Caddellite which would enable the Avatar to enter the Guardian's Cube Generator in the Meditation Retreat, Shandu greeted the Champion of Virtue coldly, introducing the Avatar to his brothers Shanda and Shando, who both eyed the Avatar warily. Shandu explained to the Avatar that they guarded the Caddellite, protecting it from creatures that came around attempting to steal it.
As they spoke, Shandu's brothers, Shanda and Shando, became more and more enraged at the Avatar, and with a great roar, the three-headed hydra attacked, hoping to eat the Avatar for dinner. After a terrible battle, the three hydra brothers lay dead, their dinner uneaten, as the Avatar collected the Caddellite pieces needed to complete his quest to save Britannia. |
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Brother to Shandu and Shando, Shanda was the middle head of the hydra on Ambrosia, guarding the remains of the meteor, formed from the mysterious mineral known as Caddellite, that was responsible for destroying the lost island of Britannia soon after the Third Age of Darkness. When the Avatar arrived on Ambrosia, on the advice of Jillian of Moonglow, searching for the Caddellite which would enable the Avatar to enter the Guardian's Cube Generator in the Meditation Retreat, Shanda growled at the Champion of Virtue, allowing Shandu to introduce the Avatar to Shanda and his brother Shando, who both eyed the Avatar warily. Shanda continued to growl menacingly at the Avatar as Shandu explained about the Caddellite the brothers were protecting from errant adventurers.
As they spoke, Shanda's brothers, Shandu and Shando, became more and more enraged at the Avatar, and with a great roar, the three-headed hydra attacked, hoping to eat the Avatar for dinner. After a terrible battle, the three hydra brothers lay dead, their dinner uneaten, as the Avatar collected the Caddellite pieces needed to complete his quest to save Britannia. |
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Brother to Shandu and Shanda, Shando was the right head of the hydra on Ambrosia, guarding the remains of the meteor, formed from the mysterious mineral known as Caddellite, that was responsible for destroying the lost island of Britannia soon after the Third Age of Darkness. When the Avatar arrived on Ambrosia, on the advice of Jillian of Moonglow, searching for the Caddellite which would enable the Avatar to enter the Guardian's Cube Generator in the Meditation Retreat, Shando greeted the Champion of Virtue, as his brother Shandu introduced the Avatar to Shando and his brother Shanda, who both eyed the Avatar warily. Shando explained that he was the oldest head, as he had breathed the air first, while Shandu explained that the brothers guarded the Caddellite, protecting it from creatures that came around attempting to steal it.
As they spoke, Shando's brothers, Shandu and Shanda, became more and more enraged at the Avatar, and with a great roar, the three-headed hydra attacked, hoping to eat the Avatar for dinner. After a terrible battle, the three hydra brothers lay dead, their dinner uneaten, as the Avatar collected the Caddellite pieces needed to complete his quest to save Britannia. |
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An intimidating figure whose features seem both young and old, the Time Lord was responsible for ensuring the smooth flow of time through space. The Avatar had joined forces with the Time Lord in order to defeat Exodus, the hellspawn of Mondain and Minax, who during the Third Age of Darkness, had sought to rule Britannia, opposing Lord British. Recommended by Margareta of Minoc to seek out the Wisps, the Avatar traveled to the Deep Forest of Yew where he encountered the Wisps, who promised to deliver him a message from the Time Lord in exchange for the information contained in the notebook of Alagner of New Magincia. After a series of tasks, the Avatar returned to the Wisp, and learned that the Time Lord had been imprisoned by the Guardian in the Shrine of Spirituality, located within the Ethereal Void and only accessible via a Moongate. Using the Orb of the Moons, an artifact from the Third Age of Enlightenment, the Avatar opened a Moongate to the Shrine, and when he arrived, the Time Lord greeted the Champion of Virtue warmly, and warned that Britannia was in grave danger.
The Time Lord had sent the red Moongate to the Avatar, hoping to be freed from his ethereal prison, but the Moongate had malfunctioned, sending the Avatar to Trinsic. As the act of summoning the Moongate had used the last of his strength, the Time Lord was unable to free himself in order to warn the Avatar of Britannia's latest peril. The Guardian, a malevolent interdimensional being that was the embodiment of supreme evil, sought domination and control of Britannia, and was being assisted by the top lieutenants in the Fellowship, a group founded by Batlin, Elizabeth, and Abraham nearly 20 years earlier, established with the consent of Lord British, dedicated to reaching the highest levels of human potential and to share the knowledge freely with all people, by following the philosophy of sanguine cognition, a way to apply a positive order of thought to one's life through what was called the Triad of Inner Strength, based on the three values Strive For Unity, Trust Thy Brother and Worthiness Precedes Reward, and as time progressed, the Fellowship grew to spread across Britannia. While the majority of the Fellowship followers believed their lives would be helped, a select few were party to the truth about the Fellowship. The Time Lord explained that to aid in the Guardian's plans, the Fellowship had constructed three massive Generators, each constructed from Blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove. The first one was shaped as a Sphere, located deep within Dungeon Despise, which was responsible for causing the Moongates of the land to become unstable, and which caused a wrinkle in the space/time continuum, trapping the Time Lord within the Shrine of Spirituality. The Sphere Generator, the Time Lord warned, was protected by an unusual Moongate, that forced the user back to a specific position in space, preventing anyone from entering, and could only be defeated by using the Hourglass of Nicodemus, a powerful mage of Yew, which when enchanted would allow the Avatar to enter. Unfortunately, before the Hourglass could be properly enchanted, the second Generator, in the shape of a Tetrahedron, located within the walls of the Dungeon Deceit, which was twisting the magical ether within Britannia, rendering the mages insane and magic useless, had to be destroyed. The Time Lord warned the Avatar that the Tetrahedron Generator was protected by a powerful ethereal defense that prevented anyone from entering, but suggested the Avatar speak with Penumbra of Moonglow, an elderly mage who the Avatar had met during the Third Age of Enlightenment, about the Ethereal Ring, a powerful artifact that when properly enchanted, would allow the wearer protection from the harmful ethereal waves emanating from the Tetrahedron Generator. Making liberal use of the Fourth Circle spells Mark and Recall, the Avatar learned from Avatar of Terfin that Martingo, the Sultan of Spektran, held the Ethereal Ring, and after a small adventure to recover the Ring, the Avatar returned to Penumbra to have the Ring properly enchanted, and entered the Tetrahedron Generator to fought the powerful Ethereal Monster within. Once the Tetrahedron Generator was destroyed, the Avatar returned to Nicodemus with the Hourglass, which he had retrieved from Beverlea of Paws, which the mage gladly enchanted. Returning to the Dungeon Despise, the Avatar entered the Sphere Generator, and after a series of puzzles involving Moongates, destroyed the Generator. With the Sphere Generator's destruction, the Time Lord was freed from his celestial prison, but at a price, as the Moongates of Britannia had been permanently disabled, as had the Avatar's Orb of the Moons. The Time Lord explained that the Fellowship had constructed the Black Gate, an enormous Moongate made from blackrock located deep within a hidden complex on the Isle of the Avatar, which would become the Guardian's means of entry into Britannia during the Astronomical Alignment, an event which Brion of Moonglow had explained to the Avatar happened every 800 years, when the natural elements of Britannia would allow the Black Gate to become permeable and active, and was the Avatar's only hope of leaving Britannia and returning to Earth at the end of his quest. The Time Lord warned the Avatar that before he could locate the Black Gate complex, he would need to destroy the Guardian's third and final Cube Generator, located within the Meditation Retreat, which the Guardian used to send his 'inner voice' to the Fellowship members and charm them into submitting to his wishes. The Cube Generator, the Time Lord warned, was protected by an unbearable noise that could only be conquered by a special helmet made from a mysterious mineral known as Caddellite, found only in meteors, and instructed the Avatar to speak with Brion about it. After learning of the lost isle of Ambrosia from Nelson of Moonglow, Brion's twin brother and head of the Lycaeum, and learning of Ambrosia's location from the scholar Jillian, the Avatar braved the three hydra brothers Shandu, Shanda, and Shando in order to recover the Caddellite needed, and following Brion's advice, the Avatar had Zorn of Minoc craft him the helmet. Returning to the Meditation Retreat, the Avatar entered the Cube Generator, and after solving a nefarious maze within, destroyed the Generator. With the destruction of the three Generators, the time of the Guardian's arrival grew closer, and the Time Lord, warning the Avatar to keep close the three small Prisms from within the Generators, sent the Avatar to Buccaneer's Den, where he learned from Danag, the interim Fellowship branch leader, of the location and means of entry to the Black Gate complex on the Isle of the Avatar, and after braving the underground complex, the Avatar arrived in the Chamber of the Black Gate, moments before the Guardian was to enter Britannia. Sensing the Avatar's plan, the Guardian ordered Batlin, Elizabeth, Abraham, Hook, and Forskis to kill the Avatar. After a short and bloody battle, the Avatar and his party had killed everyone except Batlin, as the Fellowship leader had teleported himself far away to safety when he saw Hook's death. Even as the Guardian tempted him with the passageway back to Earth, he was resolute in his quest, and with regret heavy in his heart, the Avatar used Rudyom's Wand to destroy the Black Gate, ending the Guardian's threat to Britannia. |
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