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A middle-aged nobleman, Finnigan was the town mayor of Trinsic, and had held the office since his arrival three years before, but often felt that the city of Honor was rather empty of life, people, and honor. When the Avatar first arrived in Trinsic via a red moongate, Finnigan had just learned of the brutal murders of Christopher, the local blacksmith, and Inamo, an immigrant gargoyle, from the stable caretaker Petre. When Iolo vouched for him, Finnigan asked the Avatar to investigate the crime and promised him a sizable reward if he could learn the name of the killer. As they discussed the murders, Finnigan felt that Inamo's death had been a chance victim, but admitted that he had seen a murder similar to Christopher's in Britain, where the victim had been killed in a ritualistic fashion, and that he felt the same murderer was responsible for the crime.
After the Avatar searched the stables for clues, he returned to Finnigan to report that key had been located at the site. Recommending the Avatar seek out Christopher's son Spark, Finnigan also mentioned that the night watchman at the dock, Gilberto, had been injured the evening before and was recuperating under the healer Chantu's careful eye, and the morning watchman, Johnson, had found him. To help the Avatar in his investigation, Finnigan recommended he speak with Klog, the leader of the Fellowship Branch in Trinsic, about an argument Klog and Christopher had before his death. After the Avatar finished his investigation in Trinsic, he reported to Finnigan that he was looking for a ship called the 'Crown Jewel' and a man known as Hook. Satisfied that the Avatar was taking the murders seriously, Finnigan rewarded him with 100 gold coins and told him the password to open the gates surrounding the city walls, 'Blackbird'. As the Avatar continued his quest, Finnigan remained in Trinsic, overseeing the town. |
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Husband of Ellen, Klog was the leader of the Fellowship Branch in Trinsic, often assisted by his wife in his tasks. When the Avatar first arrived in Trinsic via a red moongate, Klog greeted the Champion of Virtue and welcomed him to the Fellowship Hall. When the Avatar asked Klog about the argument between him and Christopher, Klog remarked that when Christopher stated he wanted to leave the Fellowship, he and his companions, Elizabeth and Abraham, merely tried to speak with him, but were verbally assaulted. During the night of the murders, Klog was at home with his wife Ellen, and when asked by the Avatar about a scroll and 100 gold coins found at Christopher's home, denied any knowledge of them. The same story surfaced when the Avatar asked Klog about the 'Crown Jewel' and Hook.
It wasn't until after the Avatar destroyed the Guardian's Cube Generator in the Meditation Retreat and obtained the Cube prism, that Klog became more useful in his search. Klog was indeed home the night of the murder, but only to preserve his alibi as Hook and his companion Forskis butchered the blacksmith. Christopher had been paid the 100 gold coins in exchange for the plans of the Black Gate pedestals, but when he reneged on delivery of the plans, the Fellowship sent the scroll as a warning. After the murder, Hook sailed on his ship, the 'Crown Jewel', but to somewhere Klog did not know. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Klog remained in Trinsic, running the Fellowship Hall. |
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Husband of Klog, Ellen was the bookkeeper of the Fellowship Branch in Trinsic, assisting her husband in his tasks. When the Avatar first arrived in Trinsic via a red moongate, Ellen greeted the Champion of Virtue and welcomed him to the Fellowship Hall. When the Avatar asked Ellen about Christopher's murder, Ellen told him that she and Klog were at home that night, and had neither seen nor heard anything, but remarked that Klog would be more knowledgeable about the incident. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Ellen remained in Trinsic, helping Klog in the Fellowship Hall. |
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A solemn fellow, Chantu was the healer for Trinsic, caring for those wounded in battle or peace. When the Avatar first arrived in Trinsic via a red moongate, he was referred to Chantu by the town mayor, Finnigan, who mentioned that Gilberto, a local guard, was recuperating at Chantu's hospital. When they met, Chantu welcomed the Champion of Virtue warmly and offered his services if they were ever needed.
As they spoke, Chantu commented on the horrific murder of Christopher and Inamo, and reflected that Britannia would be in a sad state if such things continued. Chantu also confessed his misgivings about the Fellowship to the Avatar, upset that the group had little appreciation for the healers of Britannia, often believing that the philosophy dictated by Batlin could provide the same results. As the Avatar continued his quest, Chantu remained in Trinsic, helping those in need. |
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A stern man, Dell was the provisioner for Trinsic, as well as being a member of the Fellowship. Once a strong fighter, Dell supplied the city with quality weapons, armours, and provisions for many tasks, when he was not helping the Fellowship. When the Avatar first arrived in Trinsic via a red moongate, Dell greeted the Champion of Virtue a bit sourly, as a week before another 'Avatar' had cheated him out of 20 gold pieces. This false Avatar, who the Avatar would later know as Sullivan, was an expert trickster, and Dell was not about to be tricked again.
When the Avatar interviewed him about the brutal murders in Trinsic, Dell brusquely informed the Avatar that he knew only what was being said in the streets, and that his time was too valuable to be answering such questions. Undaunted, the Avatar continued his quest, leaving Dell in Trinsic to his own tasks. |
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A gorgeous and voluptuous woman, Apollonia was the owner and barmaid for the Honorable Hound Pub and Inn. When the Avatar first arrived in Trinsic via a red moongate, Apollonia welcomed the Champion of Virtue warmly and offered him a room for only 6 gold pieces per person a night, and recommended the Silverleaf meal, a local delicacy. As they spoke, Apollonia confessed that she knew nothing about the murders in Trinsic, but that she hoped the Avatar would find the one responsible. As the Avatar continued his quest, Apollonia remained in Trinsic, running her pub. |
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A solid-looking fighter, Markus was a trainer in Trinsic, specializing in the skill of Combat. When the Avatar first arrived in Trinsic via a red moongate, Markus immediately offered to train the Champion of Virtue at the rate of 20 gold coins per session. When asked about the murders in Trinsic, Markus told the Avatar he had heard about them, but knew nothing of the details. As the Avatar continued his quest, Markus remained in Trinsic, training those in need. |
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A salty old sailor, Gargan was the shipwright for Trinsic. When the Avatar first arrived in Trinsic via a red moongate, Gargan greeted the Champion of Virtue, and when asked about the murders in Trinsic, he commented that while he had heard about them, he didn't hear or see anything. As they spoke, the Avatar asked Gargan about the 'Crown Jewel', the ship Gilberto had seen before being attacked, and the old seadog remarked that the ship had been docked overnight, but had sailed at sunrise for Britain.
Recalling Spark's description of the killer, the Avatar asked Gargan about the man with a hook, and after a moment's recollection, Gargan confessed that he had seen Hook, with a wingless gargoyle the night before the murder after dark. Although he admitted he was not Owen of Minoc, Gargan also offered to sell the Avatar the deed to a fine sailing ship, 'The Scaly Eel', for a hefty sum of 600 gold pieces, and a fine sextant for a mere 80 gold pieces. As the Avatar continued his quest, Gargan remained in Trinsic, watching over the docks. |
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A young woman, Caroline was a member of the Fellowship, and had dedicated her energies to help recruit new members in Trinsic. When the Avatar first arrived in Trinsic via a red moongate, Caroline welcomed the Champion of Virtue warmly, and invited him to an evening service at the Fellowship Hall to learn the philosophy of their founder, Batlin. As they spoke, Caroline commented on the horrific murder of Christopher, and shocked that such a man was dead. As the Avatar continued his quest, Caroline remained in Trinsic, helping the Fellowship. |
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A peasant man, Petre was the stables caretaker in Trinsic. When the Avatar first arrived in Trinsic via a red moongate, Petre greeted the Champion of Virtue, but was distraught over the horrific murders of Christopher and Inamo within the stables. As they spoke, Petre confessed to the Avatar that he had found the bodies that morning, and although he did not touch anything by the order of the mayor Finnigan, he had found sets of tracks leading out the back of the stables, possibly left by the murderers. Petre also suggested that the Avatar seek out Christopher's son, Avatar, to ask about the murders. Before he left, Petre offered to sell the Avatar a title to a fine carriage for only 60 gold pieces. As the Avatar continued his quest, Petre remained in Trinsic, watching and caring for the horses. |
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A grumpy fellow, Gilberto was a guard in Trinsic, standing the night watch at the dock gate. When the Avatar first arrived in Trinsic via a red moongate, he found a set of brutal murders within the city stables. As Finnigan, the mayor of Trinsic, asked the Avatar to investigate the horrific events, he recommended the Champion of Virtue seek out Gilberto at Chantu the healer's hospital. When they met, Gilberto greeted the Avatar, and recounted the events of the night before. It was near sunrise when Gilberto was knocked out by unknown assailants, but when Johnson, another guard, woke him, Gilberto realized that nearly ten minutes had passed, and the 'Crown Jewel', a ship docked overnight, had set sail.
When the Avatar asked about the ship, Gilberto suggested he find Gargan, the local shipwright and dockmaster. Pressing for more information, the Avatar asked Gilberto if he had seen a man with a hook, and about his feelings about the Fellowship. Gilberto replied that he did not remember a man with a hook, and as for the Fellowship, he had little dealings with them or their leader Klog. As the Avatar continued his quest, Gilberto remained in Trinsic, guarding the population. |
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An alert and no-nonsense man, Johnson was a guard in Trinsic, standing the morning watch at the dock, authorizing the comings and goings of ships, as well as being a member of the Fellowship. When the Avatar first arrived in Trinsic via a red moongate, he found a set of brutal murders within the city stables. As Finnigan, the mayor of Trinsic, asked the Avatar to investigate the horrific events, he recommended the Champion of Virtue seek out Gilberto, a local guard who was injured the night before the murders. When they met, Gilberto greeted the Avatar, and recounted the events of the night before, but recommended the Avatar seek out Johnson's advice.
When they met, Johnson greeted the Avatar neutrally, and informed him that he had found Gilberto lying on the ground as he arrived to his post, but had seen nothing else since then. Pressing for more information, the Avatar asked Johnson for any other information, and about his relationship with the Fellowship. Johnson replied that he did remember the 'Crown Jewel' had sailed after sunrise, and suggested the Avatar find Gargan, the local shipwright and dockmaster about it, and as for the Fellowship, he recommended the Avatar seek their leader Klog in Trinsic, or their founder Batlin in Britain. As the Avatar continued his quest, Johnson remained in Trinsic, guarding the population. |
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A young entertainer, Paul was a actor in the Passion Play, a morality tale performed outside Trinsic, as well as being a member of the Fellowship. The play, performed by Paul, Meryl, and Dustin, told about the philosophy of the Fellowship, as established by their founder Batlin. While the Avatar exploring the outskirts of Trinsic, Paul greeted the Champion of Virtue, and invited him to stay and watch the Passion Play for a mere 2 gold pieces per person. As the Avatar continued his quest, Paul remained outside Trinsic, performing for those that would listen. |
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A serious woman, Meryl was a actress in the Passion Play, a morality tale performed outside Trinsic, as well as being a member of the Fellowship. The play, performed by Paul, Meryl, and Dustin, told about the philosophy of the Fellowship, as established by their founder Batlin. While the Avatar exploring the outskirts of Trinsic, Meryl greeted the Champion of Virtue quickly, but was distracted by her tasks in the Passion Play, and recommended the Avatar speak with Paul about it. As the Avatar continued his quest, Meryl remained outside Trinsic, performing her role in the Passion Play. |
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A short, stocky man, Dustin was a actor in the Passion Play, a morality tale performed outside Trinsic, as well as being a member of the Fellowship. The play, performed by Paul, Meryl, and Dustin, told about the philosophy of the Fellowship, as established by their founder Batlin. While the Avatar exploring the outskirts of Trinsic, Dustin greeted the Champion of Virtue quickly, but was distracted by his tasks in the Passion Play, and recommended the Avatar speak with Paul about it. As the Avatar continued his quest, Dustin remained outside Trinsic, performing his role in the Passion Play. |
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