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An old man with a far-away look in his eyes, Nicodemus was a powerful mage whose love for research allowed him to study magic without any predictable pattern. As the years passed, the magical ether within Britannia became distorted, and as a result, Nicodemus and the other mages of the realm became insane. When the Avatar, on the advice of the Time Lord, arrived in Yew, he found the ancient mage dancing around his laboratory, singing nonsense. When the Avatar asked about his job, Nicodemus babbled in rhymes, but did offer to sell the Champion of Virtue a collection of spells from all Eight of the Circles of Magic, as well as a stock of reagents. When the Avatar asked him about potions, Nicodemus confessed that he had a special black potion for only 75 gold pieces, that when drunk, would cause the same effect as the Fifth Circle spell Invisibility.
Unable to enter the Guardian's Sphere Generator in Despise, the Time Lord told the Avatar to seek out Nicodemus for his magical Hourglass, which would allow the Avatar to get past the moongate maze surrounding the Generator. When asked about the Hourglass, Nicodemus vaguely remembered selling it to Beverlea, the antique dealer in Paws, but warned the Avatar that he was unable to re-enchant the Hourglass while the ether was twisted. Following the destruction of the Guardian's Tetrahedron Generator within the Dungeon Deceit, Nicodemus' mind cleared as the ether once again began to flow smoothly. When the Avatar presented Nicodemus with the Hourglass, the mage quickly enchanted it for his use. Before he left, Nicodemus also instructed the Avatar in the game of Knight's Bridge, a game that Nicodemus and the Time Lord had played via a giant chess-like set outside the mage's home. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Nicodemus remained in Yew, continuing his research. |
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A busy man, Perrin was a scholar who resided in Empath Abbey. While he was not a member of the Brotherhood of the Rose, Perrin had moved to the Great Castle of Love to enjoy the privacy allowed to him. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Perrin greeted the Champion of Virtue and offered to train him at the rate of 45 gold coins per session, his training focused on the skill of Intelligence extensively, and increased the skill of Magic.
As they spoke, Perrin commented on his current research into the effects of dealing with death for undertakers, for which he was using Tiery as a case study. When the Avatar asked about the people of Yew, Perrin spoke of the healer Reyna, and of the Highcourt prison, which was run by Sir Jeff, and his assistant Goth, although Perrin admitted he had little direct knowledge of it. As the Avatar continued his quest, Perrin remained in Yew, continuing his studies. |
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An unkempt man, Tiery was the undertaker at Empath Abbey, caring for the nearby graveyard. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Tiery greeted the Champion of Virtue, and promptly went back to speaking to himself. As the Avatar asked about his job, Tiery explained that he took care of his 'buddies' in the graveyard, and when asked about them, Tiery told the Avatar of his two best friends, Garth and Darek, and of his other friends, Nina, Bart, and Malc. Despite the fact that all of his friends were dead, Tiery also mentioned that he had dealings with Perrin, a local scholar. As the Avatar continued his quest, Tiery remained in Yew, watching over his bodies. |
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A studious-looking man, Taylor was a monk in the Brotherhood of the Rose, an order based in Empath Abbey that used the Great Castle of Love to study the surrounding areas. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Taylor welcomed the Champion of Virtue warmly, and offered to aid him in his quest. As they spoke, Taylor mentioned the other monk living in Empath Abbey, Aimi, the gardener who raised lovely flowers. When asked about the mysterious Kreg, whom the Avatar met in Empath Abbey, Taylor admitted his lack of knowledge about such a person, but was quick to explain about his studies of the local flora, fauna, and geography surrounding the castle.
Taylor mentioned the mysterious Wisps that lived near the Emps of the Deep Forest, the Bee Caves, located to the south of the Abbey, that contained the sweetest honey along with great danger, unless the Avatar had one of Taylor's smoke bombs, and of a missing member of the Brotherhood, Brother Wayne, who had become lost while searching for the Golden-Cheeked Warbler, a rare bird. Before he left, the Avatar asked Taylor about the fate of Nastassia's father, Julius, who had last been heard from in Yew. Taylor admitted that he had heard the name before, but that it was in reference to someone buried in the cemetery. As the Avatar continued his quest, Taylor remained in Empath Abbey, continuing his studies. |
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A woman with shining eyes, Reyna was a healer in Yew, who chose to set up her shop near the forest for its beauty. As a child, Reyna found an ailing dove that she was unable to nurse back to health, and from this act, she began to study the healing arts to help other animals. As she grew older, she expanded her studies to include the healing of humans, but sadly, Reyna's mother passed away in her home town, and asked to be buried near her daughter. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Reyna greeted the Champion of Virtue sadly, explaining that she often brought fresh flowers to her mother's grave, as no other members of her family could come to visit.
As they spoke, Reyna confessed that she didn't know many of the residents, but mentioned that she knew of the scholar Perrin, who lived nearby, and of the prison of Highcourt, ran by Sir Jeff and his assistant Goth. Later, when the Avatar had met Aimi, the gardener for the Abbey, he returned to Reyna with a fresh bouquet of flowers for her mother's grave. Grateful, Reyna promised to heal the Avatar and his Companions at half her normal price. As the Avatar continued his quest, Reyna remained in Yew, helping those in need. |
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A young woman, Aimi was a monk in the Brotherhood of the Rose, an order based in Empath Abbey that used the Great Castle of Love to study the surrounding areas. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Aimi welcomed the Champion of Virtue, and offered to sell him a lovely bouquet of flowers for a mere 10 gold pieces. As they spoke, Aimi mentioned the other monk living in Empath Abbey, Taylor, who spent his time studying the plants, animals, and geography of Britannia. When asked about the mysterious Kreg, whom the Avatar met in Empath Abbey, Aimi confessed that she had never heard of such a person, but suggested the Avatar speak to Taylor, who was more knowledgeable about the people and places of Yew.
Aimi also confessed that although she often helped Taylor to make the wine of the Abbey, she also dabbled in painting, admiring those that express themselves visually, but also admitted that she wasn't very good at it, but that she did collect artwork. Later, when the Avatar had met the healer Reyna, he told Aimi about Reyna's recent loss of her mother. Touched, Aimi gave the Avatar a free bouquet of flowers to give to the grieving woman. As the Avatar continued his quest, Aimi remained in Empath Abbey, caring for her garden. |
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A man with suspicious eyes, Sir Jeff was the High Court official at the prison in Empath Abbey, undertaking the judiciary part of Britannia's government for Lord British, ensuring that criminals were brought to justice in Britannia, along with the help of his assistant Goth. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Sir Jeff greeted the Champion of Virtue neutrally, and reminded him that even though there were two criminals, Gharl and D'Rel, locked in the prison, there were many more scoundrels roaming the lands. When the Avatar asked about which scoundrels he meant, Sir Jeff recommended he look at the logbook in the courtroom.
Inside, the Avatar found information about many villains: Sullivan, a Fellowship member accused of impersonating the Avatar while committing acts of fraud, thievery, and other petty crimes; Hook, an extremely dangerous assassin who the Avatar was hunting for the murder of Spark's father Christopher, who was accused of fourteen murders in Britannia, each having been mutilated by his hook-hand, who was known to be traveling with a warrior gargoyle known as Forskis, and was believed to have a secret hideout on Buccaneer's Den; and Kellin, a criminal wanted for thievery last seen near the forest of Yew, and who was known to use many aliases, including Tervis, Hodge, and Kreg. As they spoke, Sir Jeff confessed his distrust of his assistant Goth, remarking that he found him unscrupulous and untrustworthy. As the Avatar continued his quest, Sir Jeff remained in Yew, overseeing the prison. |
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A beady-eyed man, Goth was the jailer at the prison in Empath Abbey, assisting Sir Jeff in serving justice. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Goth greeted the Champion of Virtue sarcastically when asked about his job, remarking that he was a gardener. As they spoke, Goth offered, for 5 gold pieces each, to sell information about Sir Jeff, D'Rel the human prisoner, and Gharl the troll prisoner. Goth also mentioned the monk Aimi, and confessed that she warmed his heart. Goth also offered to sell the Avatar a set of keys to the prison cells for 20 gold pieces. As the Avatar continued his quest, Goth remained in Yew, watching the cells. |
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A friendly-looking man, Kreg was a monk in the Empath Abbey, working on an alchemical mixture. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Kreg hailed the Champion of Virtue warmly, and asked for the Avatar's assistance in his experiments. Studying the acts of his predecessors, Kreg determined that if the monks undertook a vow of silence, they could produce more wine. Working on a potion that would make the user temporarily silent, Kreg's research came to an impasse, and he asked the Avatar to fetch a potion of Invisibility from the mage Nicodemus, which Kreg would use to determine the nature of certain reagents. Kreg also promised to give the Avatar valuable information about Lord British, the Fellowship, and Buccaneer's Den.
During his stay in Yew, the Avatar learned from Sir Jeff about a villain known as Kellin, who was wanted for theft, and had last been seen in the forests of Yew, using the aliases of Tervis, Hodge, and Kreg. Returning to Kreg, the Avatar confronted the villain about his crimes, and once he knew he had been revealed, Kreg attacked the Avatar viciously. After a short battle, Kreg lay dead, and the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia. |
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A sulking creature, Gharl was a troll imprisoned at the prison in Empath Abbey, held there by Sir Jeff, and his assistant Goth. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Gharl greeted the Champion of Virtue carefully, and expressed his desire to be free, back among his other trolls under bridges. As they spoke, Gharl told the Avatar of his skill in hunting, and expressed his hatred of Goth, who seemed content to never feed the beast.
When the Avatar offered Gharl some food, the crafty troll confessed a secret to him: the trolls had a powerful ally, that would warn them inside their head whenever they were in trouble. Realizing that this ally was in fact the Guardian, the Avatar thanked Gharl for his information. As the Avatar continued his quest, Gharl remained a prisoner in Yew. |
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A bitter man, D'Rel was a prisoner in Empath Abbey, held there by Sir Jeff, and his assistant Goth. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, D'Rel greeted the Champion of Virtue coldly, and expressed his hatred of Sir Jeff, Goth, and of the Britannian Tax Council, which D'Rel insisted, had conspired to imprison him. As they spoke, D'Rel confessed that he was originally from Buccaneer's Den, where he had worked as a sailor, but when the Tax Council had insisted he pay taxes on his hard-earned gold, D'Rel refused, and was jailed.
When the Avatar asked about Buccaneer's Den, D'Rel explained that it was the home of pirates, and warned the Avatar to watch for Hook, and his companion Forskis, whom D'Rel loathed. As the Avatar continued his quest, D'Rel remained a prisoner in Yew. |
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A horse, Smith was, well, a horse who lived near Iolo's hut in the forest of Yew. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Smith greeted the Champion of Virtue, but quickly ridiculed him for his questions. When asked about his job, Smith exclaimed that he was a baker extraordinaire, or else he was an interior decorator. As they spoke, the Avatar finally issued an ultimatum: Smith could reveal his clue or he would become glue.
Slightly upset, Smith whispered to the Avatar that the Gargoyles were not evil. Realizing that this clue would have helped him during the time of the False Prophet, the Avatar decided to leave Smith alone. As the Avatar continued his quest, Smith remained in Yew, awaiting the next quest. |
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Brother to Millie, Thad was on a quest to rid Britannia of the Fellowship. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Thad greeted the Champion of Virtue coolly, and stated that no one would get in the way of his quest, not even Batlin. When the Avatar asked about his quest, Thad explained that his sister Millie had been trapped in the Fellowship by a spell of enchantment, and that he had vowed to destroy the spell by any means necessary, including slaying the entire organization, and hoped that the Avatar had the same goal in mind. As they spoke, Thad admitted that he knew little about the people in Yew, but did know of Penni, a woman who used a spear in her hunts, and Bradman, an archer who lived nearby. As the Avatar continued his quest, Thad remained in Yew, plotting his course of action against the Fellowship. |
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A broad-chested man, Ben was a logger in Yew, continuing the work of ten generations, often selling his logs to William, who ran the sawmill in Minoc. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Ben greeted the Champion of Virtue, and explained that once Yew was a large town, but as years passed, it had been swallowed by the Deep Forest. As they spoke, Ben remarked on the beautiful Silverleaf tree, which was a highly prized meal by the people of Britannia when specially prepared.
When the Avatar explained to Ben about the peaceful Emps who made their homes in the Silverleaf trees, the logger was horrified at the destruction he had caused. Asked by Salamon in order to allow Trellek to travel with him, the Avatar had Ben sign a contract forbidding anyone from cutting down the Silverleaf trees. As the Avatar continued his quest, Ben remained in Yew, continuing his work. |
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Often found leaning on a longbow, Bradman was a trainer in Yew, specializing in the art of archery to extensively increase the skill of Dexterity. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Bradman greeted the Champion of Virtue and offered to train him for 30 gold pieces per session. When asked about Yew, Bradman confessed that he loved the forest, and had moved there to be closer to the two great archers, Iolo and Tseramed. As they spoke, Bradman asked the Avatar if he had trained with Penni, and laughed that although she was a good friend, she knew little about the art of fighting. As the Avatar continued his quest, Bradman remained in Yew, training those in need. |
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Wife of Addom, Penni was a trainer in Yew, specializing in close quarter combat with the spear which increased the skills of Strength and Combat. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Penni greeted the Champion of Virtue and offered to train him for 35 gold pieces per session. As they spoke, Penni asked the Avatar if he had trained with Bradman, and confessed that although she considered him a true friend, she wondered about his physical prowess. Penni also spoke of her husband Addom, who often traveled the length of Britannia, and was relieved to learn that the Avatar had met him in Moonglow, and in good health. As the Avatar continued his quest, Penni remained in Yew, training those in need. |
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Wife of Papa, Mama lived in the Bee Caves of Yew, using the caves as shelter from the elements, sharing the space with the giant bees that roamed the area. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Mama greeted the Champion of Virtue, and explained that she liked to eat, sleep, and love in the caves with Papa. As they spoke, the Avatar was warned by Tseramed that he thought Mama and Papa were actually residents of Yew, escaping their former lives. When the Avatar confronted Papa with this, he confessed that their names were Murray and Myrtle. Papa had run an apothecary shop in Yew, but had fled the town after the Britannian Tax Council had come after him. As the Avatar continued his quest, Mama remained in Yew, living happily with Papa. |
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Husband of Mama, Papa lived in the Bee Caves of Yew, using the caves as shelter from the elements, sharing the space with the giant bees that roamed the area. When the Avatar arrived in Yew, Papa greeted the Champion of Virtue, and explained that the cave was good to them, giving honey and mice to eat. As they spoke, the Avatar was warned by Tseramed that he thought Mama and Papa were actually residents of Yew, escaping their former lives. When the Avatar confronted Papa with this, he confessed that their names were Murray and Myrtle. Papa had run an apothecary shop in Yew, but had fled the town after the Britannian Tax Council had come after him. As they spoke, Papa expressed his displeasure with Tseramed, considering the woodsman a bee killer, and warned that the bees would defend their honey from intruders. As the Avatar continued his quest, Papa remained in Yew, caring for Mama. |
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An ape-like creature, Trellek was an Emp, a race of empathic aboriginal beings that lived in the Deep Forest, using Silverleaf trees as homes. Acting on the counsel of Margareta of Minoc, the Avatar traveled to Yew, seeking the mysterious Wisps. After speaking to Taylor, a local monk of the Brotherhood of the Rose, the Avatar sought the Emps within the forest. After the Avatar gave him a piece of honey, Trellek greeted the Champion of Virtue, and asked how he could help. As they spoke, Trellek was confused by the Avatar's question about his job, remarking that all Emps were food-gatherers, seeking fruits and other sweet items to eat. When asked about the Wisps, Trellek mentioned that he spoke with them often, and offered to travel with the Avatar as long as his mate Saralek agreed.
Unfortunately, Saralek refused to allow him to join the Avatar, but Trellek did fashion a special whistle that would enable the Avatar to speak with the Wisps. Remembering his promise to Nastassia, the Avatar asked Trellek about Julius, who had died in Yew. Trellek told the Avatar that Julius had saved an Emp family from a terrible fire, but had died from breathing too much smoke, and for his courage, Julius was considered a hero to the Emps. As the Avatar continued his quest, Trellek remained in the Deep Forest, gathering food for his people. |
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Bonded with Trellek, Saralek was an Emp, a race of empathic aboriginal beings that lived in the Deep Forest, using Silverleaf trees as homes. Acting on the counsel of Margareta of Minoc, the Avatar traveled to Yew, seeking the mysterious Wisps. After speaking to Taylor, a local monk of the Brotherhood of the Rose, the Avatar sought the Emps within the forest. After speaking with Trellek, the Champion of Virtue asked Saralek's permission for her mate to travel with him, to which Saralek responded that only Salamon could make her give permission.
After completing Salamon's task, the Avatar returned to Saralek for her permission, but the Emp refused to give it. When the Avatar explained his need, Saralek explained that Trellek whistled to attract the Wisps' attention, and that he could make the Avatar a whistle to do the same thing. As the Avatar continued his quest, Saralek remained in the Deep Forest, caring for her mate. |
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An ape-like creature, Tavenor was an Emp, a race of empathic aboriginal beings that lived in the Deep Forest, using Silverleaf trees as homes. Acting on the counsel of Margareta of Minoc, the Avatar traveled to Yew, seeking the mysterious Wisps. After speaking to Taylor, a local monk of the Brotherhood of the Rose, the Avatar sought the Emps within the forest. When they met, Tavenor greeted the Champion of Virtue cautiously, and asked if the Avatar was there to cut down Silverleaf trees. When asked about that, Tavenor remarked that all humans were menaces to the Silverleaf and to the Emps.
As they spoke, Tavenor revealed that Emps were food-gatherers, collecting fruit, milk, and honey, although meats were not eaten due to the killing of the animals involved. After the Avatar spoke with Salamon, Tavenor realized that not all humans were enemies to the Emps, and he welcomed the Avatar as a friend. As the Avatar continued his quest, Tavenor remained in the Deep Forest, gathering food for his people. |
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A wizened female ape-like creature, Salamon was an Emp, a race of empathic aboriginal beings that lived in the Deep Forest, using Silverleaf trees as homes. Acting on the counsel of Margareta of Minoc, the Avatar traveled to Yew, seeking the mysterious Wisps. After speaking to Taylor, a local monk of the Brotherhood of the Rose, the Avatar sought the Emps within the forest. After meeting Saralek, the Avatar sought permission from Salamon in order to allow Trellek to join the Avatar in seeking the Wisps.
Salamon agreed to give her permission, but only after the Avatar promised to seek out Ben the logger, who often cut down Silverleaf trees to export into Britannia, and make him sign a contract forbidding the Silverleaf trees to be cut down. After completing his task, the Avatar returned to Salamon with the signed contract, and collected her permission. As the Avatar continued his quest, Salamon remained in the Deep Forest, watching over her people. |
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A mysterious creature often known as will-o-the-wisps, the Wisps of the Deep Forest were in fact beings from the Xorinite dimension, lead by the Undrian Council, gathering and sorting information between different planes and dimensions, maintaining the information that was necessary to the growth of the Xorinite race. Acting on the counsel of Margareta of Minoc, the Avatar traveled to Yew to contact the Wisps, and after meeting Trellek the Emp, the Avatar was able to make contact with 'Xorinia', who greeted the Champion of Virtue, and offered to make an exchange of information. The Undrian Council sought the information found in the notebook of Alagner, a sage of New Magincia who had been researching the Fellowship in Britannia, and in return, Xorinia would provide the Avatar with a message from the Time Lord, the mysterious being who had helped the Avatar defeat the hellspawn Exodus during the Third Age of Darkness.
After obtaining the notebook from Alagner on New Magincia, the Avatar returned to Xorinia for his message, and learned that the Time Lord was trapped at the Shrine of Spirituality and could only be reached via the Orb of the Moons. As they spoke, Xorinia told the Avatar about the Guardian's plan to enter Britannia via the Black Gate, a moongate crafted from blackrock, that would become functional during the Astronomical Alignment that Brion of Moonglow had spoke about. The Guardian, Xorinia warned, possessed many qualities that humans were familiar with, labeling them as 'vain', 'greedy', 'egocentric', and 'malevolent'; and if his plans to enter Britannia succeeded, he would become unstoppable, and would destroy Britannia. Grateful for the information, the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, leaving Xorinia and the wisps to their tasks. |
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