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A middle-aged man, Auston was the mayor of Vesper, often assisted by his clerk Liana in the day-to-day workings of the city. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Auston greeted the Champion of Virtue, and confessed that he was worried about the gargoyles of Vesper. Certain that they were gearing up for an attack on the human population, Auston told the Avatar he had consulted with Eldroth the provisioner about how to best plan for the event. When asked about Elizabeth and Abraham, Auston remarked that the pair had visited Vesper to see about setting up a Fellowship branch, and had traveled on to Moonglow to conduct a training session.
As they spoke, Auston told the Avatar about the people of Vesper: Cador, head of the Britannian Mining Company branch in Vesper, who was married to Yvella, and who were both Fellowship members; Eldroth, the provisioner and counselor of Vesper; Zaksam, the local trainer, who Auston was sure would be a great asset if the gargoyles did attack; Yongi, the local bartender; and finally Blorn, a man whom the gargoyles hated more than any other human, and who felt the same in return. As the Avatar continued his quest, Auston remained in Vesper, watching over the town. |
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A short woman, Liana was the mayor's clerk in Vesper, assisting Auston, and keeping track of official documents and records for the town. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Liana greeted the Champion of Virtue, and promptly warned him of the dangers of the gargoyles, presenting the Avatar with a petition for the gargoyles' removal, paid for by the Britannian Purity League, and confessed that while she respected Auston's abilities unofficially, she thought he was too spineless, often refusing to take sides on issues.
As they spoke, Liana told the Avatar what she knew about the people of Vesper: Cador, head of the Britannian Mining Company branch in Vesper, who was married to Yvella; Eldroth, the provisioner who she felt was a doddering old fool; Zaksam, the local trainer, who Liana considered a fine fighter; Yongi, the local bartender, whom she considered a drunk who talked too much; Blorn, a man Liana considered a troublemaker, but who had one good point, his hatred of the gargoyles; and Mara, a woman who worked in the mines along with Cador. As the Avatar continued his quest, Liana remained in Vesper, continuing her tasks. |
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Husband of Yvella and father of Catherine, Cador was the head of the Britannian Mining Company in Vesper, and was a Fellowship member. Employing Mara and Lap-Lem to work in the Vesper mine, Cador helped to mine a wide range of ores, including the mineral known as blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Cador greeted the Champion of Virtue, and when asked about his membership in the Fellowship, a group founded by Batlin, Cador remarked that it was a wonderful organization, performing many works of charity and special events.
Cador also mentioned the visit of Elizabeth and Abraham, who had visited Vesper to see how the economy would support a Fellowship branch. When the Avatar asked about the residents of Vesper, Cador recommended he seek out Liana, the town clerk. As they spoke, Cador remarked that Mara was a fantastic worker, but that while Lap-Lem was not too lazy, unlike Anmanivas, a previous worker Cador had fired, he would have let Lap-Lem go if he didn't need the extra help, not trusting the gargoyle. As the Avatar continued his quest, Cador remained in Vesper, overseeing the mines. |
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A well-muscled woman, Mara was a miner in the Vesper mines, employed by Cador, and working alongside Lap-Lem, extracting a wide range of ores, including the mineral known as blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Mara greeted the Champion of Virtue, and confessed that the town had become a less pleasant place due to the concern about the gargoyles.
As they spoke, Mara told the Avatar about the residents of Vesper: Yvella, Cador's wife and the mother of Catherine, who watched over her daughter while her husband worked; Auston, the town mayor, who Mara liked, but suspected that his clerk Liana was the one who kept Vesper running; and Yongi, the bartender of the Gilded Lizard, where Mara and Cador often went in the evenings for a tankard of ale. As the Avatar continued his quest, Mara remained in Vesper, working in the mines. |
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A strong, powerful man, Zaksam was a trainer in Vesper, teaching a style of fighting that extensively specialized in the skill of Combat, while increasing the skill of Strength. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Zaksam greeted the Champion of Virtue, and offered train him for 40 gold pieces per session. Zaksam admitted that while he had taught in Vesper for many years, he was concerned about the gargoyles, and that he had been asked by Auston the mayor to defend the town if the gargoyles attacked. As they spoke, Zaksam told the Avatar about his feelings for the residents of Vesper: Auston, whose abilities as mayor Zaksam doubted, but felt that his clerk Liana was capable; and Blorn, who Zaksam didn't trust, but who had been robbed by the gargoyles. As the Avatar continued his quest, Zaksam remained in Vesper, training those in need. |
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A well-groomed man, Eldroth was the provisioner for Vesper, outfitting the residents with quality goods, as well as acting as a counselor for the town. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Eldroth greeted the Champion of Virtue warmly, and offered to share his knowledge of the residents of the city: Auston, the mayor, who Eldroth had suggested to run for office; Liana, the town clerk, who assisted Auston in his duties; Yongi, the bartender at the Gilded Lizard; and Cador, husband of Yvella and father of Catherine, who ran the Vesper mines. As they spoke, Eldroth confessed his fear of an uprising by the gargoyles, and explained that Auston had sought his advice on how to prepare for such an event. As the Avatar continued his quest, Eldroth remained in Vesper, selling his goods. |
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A jovial-looking man, Yongi was the bartender for the Gilded Lizard in Vesper, serving the townspeople fine food and drinks. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Yongi greeted the Champion of Virtue, and proceeded talk about of the dangers of the gargoyles, describing them as the most vilest, evilest, cruelest, and most despicable creatures he had ever known, and presented the Avatar with a petition for the gargoyles' removal, paid for by the Britannian Purity League.
As they spoke, Yongi told the Avatar to talk to Auston the mayor or his clerk Liana about the residents, but offered to tell what he knew about his customers: Cador, who ran the Vesper mines, and was considered by Yongi to be a hard worker; Mara, who worked alongside Cador, working harder than most men in the job; and Blorn, who Yongi explained knew what the problem in Vesper was, and who had been accosted by Lap-Lem not long before. As the Avatar continued his quest, Yongi remained in Vesper, serving his customers. |
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Wife of Cador and mother of Catherine, Yvella was a member of the Fellowship, caring for her daughter while her husband worked at the Vesper mines. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Yvella greeted the Champion of Virtue, and when asked about her membership in the Fellowship, a group founded by Batlin, Yvella remarked that it was a wonderful organization, building shelters for the homeless and holding great parades. Yvella also mentioned the gargoyles of Vesper, and commented that while she was glad that they stayed to their side of the town's oasis, she would be happier if they were run out of the city, presenting the Avatar with a petition for the gargoyles' removal, paid for by the Britannian Purity League.
As they spoke, Yvella told the Avatar about the residents of Vesper: Cador, the mayor, who Eldroth had recommended for the office, who Yvella felt was undecisive; Eldroth, the provisioner who also was the town advisor; and Mara, a woman miner who worked alongside Yvella's husband Cador, and the gargoyle Lap-Lem, who Yvella distrusted and wished Cador would get rid of. Yvella also confessed her concerns about Catherine, who every afternoon would disappear for a few hours, and who she hoped wasn't visiting the gargoyle side of the oasis. As the Avatar continued his quest, Yvella remained in Vesper, caring for her daughter. |
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Daughter of Cador and Yvella, Catherine lived with her father and mother in Vesper. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Catherine greeted the Champion of Virtue with awe, recognizing him from one of her storybooks. When asked about Vesper, Catherine recommended the Avatar speak with Liana the town clerk. When the Avatar spoke with Yvella, he learned that Catherine would often disappear for a few hours each day at noon. Following the young girl, the Avatar found Catherine and the gargoyle For-Lem together.
When confronted, Catherine quickly explained that she could not speak to strangers, and quickly turned away. When the Avatar spoke with the gargoyle, he learned that For-Lem was instructing Catherine in the ancient gargoyle mythology, and begged the Avatar not to tell Cador and Yvella, fearing for the girl's safety. Understanding the risk, the Avatar agreed to keep silent. As the Avatar continued his quest, Catherine remained in Vesper, learning her lessons. |
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A surly man, Blorn held no job in Vesper, other than the constant hatred of the gargoyle race, often speaking for the removal of the creatures from Vesper, citing the Britannian Purity League. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Blorn greeted the Champion of Virtue coldly, and asked bluntly if he was a gargoyle lover. As they spoke, Blorn told the Avatar how he was attacked by a violent gargoyle known as Lap-Lem, which meant 'man-slayer', and asked if the Avatar would avenge him.
When the Avatar confronted Lap-Lem about the crime, the gargoyle miner explained that he had attacked Blorn in self-defense, after the human had stolen an amulet with sentimental value. When the Avatar confronted him with the truth, Blorn glared at him, muttering that Lap-Lem had probably not earned the amulet anyway, and thrust the stolen item into the Avatar's palm, cursing him, after which the Avatar returned it to Lap-Lem. As the Avatar continued his quest, Blorn remained in Vesper, soaking in his hatred. |
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A smiling wingless gargoyle, Lap-Lem, meaning 'rock one', was a miner in Vesper, employed by Cador and working alongside Mara in the Vesper mines, extracting a wide range of ores, including the mineral known as blackrock, a strange substance that was being researched by Rudyom of Cove. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Lap-Lem greeted the False Prophet, and explained that he was the only gargoyle miner left in Vesper, due to the hostilities between the humans and gargoyles had grown over the years, the other miner Anmanivas had left. When the Avatar asked about Vesper, Lap-Lem explained that after the Third Age of Enlightenment, when the Avatar had placed the Codex of Infinite Wisdom into the Ethereal Void, the gargoyles had founded the city of Terfin, ruled by Lord Draxinusom, and had later moved to Vesper to live with the humans peacefully.
During his travels in Vesper, the Avatar had met a man named Blorn, who had charged Lap-Lem with a violent attack. When the Avatar confronted Lap-Lem about the crime, the gargoyle miner explained that he had attacked Blorn in self-defense, after the human had stolen an amulet with sentimental value. When the Avatar confronted him, Blorn thrust the stolen amulet into the Avatar's palm, cursing him. When the Avatar returned it to Lap-Lem, the young gargoyle thanked him, calling him an example for the human race. As the Avatar continued his quest, Lap-Lem remained in Vesper, working in the mines. |
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A large, strong wingless gargoyle, For-Lem, meaning 'strong one', recorded gargoyle legends into written form in Vesper, maintaining the gargoyle heritage for future generations, as well as doing odd jobs for Lap-Lem, a gargoyle miner, and Ansikart, the bartender who reminded For-Lem of Singularity, the core of the culture of the Gargoyles. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, For-Lem greeted the False Prophet, citing the many exciting myths about the Avatar in the gargoyle history. When asked about Vesper, For-Lem admitted to the Avatar that he worried about the future of gargoyle youths, explaining the troubled times and anger his race felt from the humans.
During his travels in Vesper, the Avatar learned from Yvella that her daughter Catherine would often disappear for a few hours each day at noon. Following the young girl, the Avatar found Catherine and For-Lem together. When the Avatar confronted the gargoyle, he learned that For-Lem was instructing Catherine in the ancient gargoyle mythology, and begged the Avatar not to tell Cador and Yvella, fearing for the girl's safety. Understanding the risk, the Avatar agreed to keep silent. As the Avatar continued his quest, For-Lem remained in Vesper, maintaining his heritage. |
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A winged gargoyle with an authoritative disposition, Wis-Sur, meaning 'wise sun', was a powerful mage whose studies had concentrated on the powerful effects of energy and the destruction of obstacles. As the years passed, the magical ether within Britannia became distorted, and as a result, Wis-Sur and the other mages of the realm became insane. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Wis-Sur greeted the False Prophet wildly, and when asked about his job, offered to sell the Avatar a range of spells from the First through Sixth Circles of Magic, as well as a stock of reagents needed to make them work, and a variety of potions.
When the Avatar asked about Vesper, Wis-Sur remarked that he only knew of the gargoyles of the town: Ansikart, the bartender who knew all the gargoyles in Vesper; Aurvidlem, the gargoyle provisioner in Vesper; For-Lem, who performed assorted duties for the town; Lap-Lem, a miner for the Britannian Mining Company; and Anmanivas, who had been a miner for the Britannian Mining Company. Following the destruction of the Guardian's Tetrahedron Generator within the Dungeon Deceit, Wis-Sur's mind cleared as the ether once again began to flow smoothly. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Wis-Sur remained in Vesper, continuing his research. |
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A winged gargoyle with a sour expression, Aurvidlem was the gargoyle provisioner in Vesper, outfitting the gargoyles in town with quality goods. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Aurvidlem welcomed the False Prophet sourly, and explained the prejudice and hatred felt by the humans toward the gargoyles, and although he felt the humans deserved the violent confrontation they feared, he hoped his fellow gargoyles would show more control.
As they spoke, Aurvidlem told the Avatar of the other gargoyles of Vesper: Wis-Sur, the gargoyle mage who had become insane when the magical ether in Britannia became warped, causing him to avoid others; and Ansikart, the bartender who had been chosen as leader following Wis-Sur's madness, and who Aurvidlem felt had gained too much respect, citing his own studies as a better choice for leader. As the Avatar continued his quest, Aurvidlem remained in Vesper, selling his wares. |
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A winged gargoyle with a calm air, Ansikart, meaning 'anti-dry-master', was the gargoyle bartender in Vesper, serving his fellow gargoyles food and drink. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Ansikart welcomed the False Prophet warmly, and remarked that the town was filled with hate, the humans toward the gargoyles, the gargoyles toward the humans. As they spoke, Ansikart revealed to the Avatar his knowledge about the gargoyles in Vesper: Wis-Sur, a great sage who was knowledgeable about many things, but who had become paranoid and reclusive; Aurvidlem, the gargoyle provisioner who had become sullen recently; For-Lem, a laborer for the gargoyles; Lap-Lem, a miner for the Britannian Mining Company in Vesper, and who was quite tolerant of the human intolerance; Anmanivas, who once worked with Lap-Lem in the Vesper mines, but had recently been banned from the human side of Vesper for being too violent; and Foranamo, Anmanivas' brother, who hated the humans as much as his brother, and was also banned from the human side of Vesper. As the Avatar continued his quest, Ansikart remained in Vesper, guiding his people. |
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A bitter wingless gargoyle, Anmanivas was a miner for the Vesper mines, employed by Cador, and working alongside Mara and Lap-Lem, but after displaying too much hatred and violence toward the humans, Anmanivas was banned from the human side of Vesper. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Anmanivas greeted the False Prophet coldly, and when he learned that he was speaking with the Avatar, he and his brother Foranamo attacked viciously, blaming the Avatar for their poverty. After a short and bloody battle, Anmanivas and his brother lay dead, victims of their own hatred, as the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia. |
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An angry wingless gargoyle, Foranamo was the brother of Anmanivas, who after displaying too much hatred and violence toward the humans, Foranamo was banned from the human side of Vesper. When the Avatar arrived in Vesper, Foranamo greeted the False Prophet coldly, and when he learned that he was speaking with the Avatar, he and his brother Anmanivas attacked viciously, blaming the Avatar for their unhappiness. After a short and bloody battle, Foranamo and his brother lay dead, victims of their own hatred, as the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia. |
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