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An elderly mage, Penumbra had lived in Moonglow since the time of the False Prophet, where she had aided the Avatar in the quests. Following the return of the Codex of Infinite Wisdom to the Ethereal Void, Penumbra locked her home up and cast a spell on herself that could only be broken by the Avatar when he next returned. It was nearly 200 years later when the Avatar, on the advice of the Time Lord, returned to Moonglow to seek Penumbra's aid. After using a hammer, a gold ring, a lockpick, a spindle of thread, and a gold coin on the plaque outside her door, the Avatar entered the dusty old house to find Penumbra slumbering inside. With the use of the Awaken spell, Penumbra awoke, but was in immediate pain from the twisted ether in Britannia.
Remembering Rudyom's notes on blackrock, the Avatar placed 4 chunks of it around the room, stabilizing the ether around her. Once shielded, Penumbra welcomed the Champion of Virtue and asked how she could help. Unable to enter the Guardian's Tetrahedron Generator in Deceit, the Avatar asked if Penumbra knew a way to enter the generator without harm. Penumbra recommended the Avatar find the Ethereal Ring, which when properly enchanted would protect the wearer from the twisted waves of the generator, and that she remembered giving the ring to Draxinusom following the events of the False Prophet. Unfortunately, the ring had been sold by Draxinusom to Martingo, the Sultan of Spektran in exchange for the island of Terfin. After recovering the ring, the Avatar returned to Penumbra, who enchanted it for his use. As the Avatar continued his quest, Penumbra remained in Moonglow, rebuilding her home and magics. |
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A resident of Earth and former Companion of the Avatar, Mariah hailed from the city of Moonglow, renowned for their Honesty, but took up arms to defend Virtue whenever the Avatar called for allies. A peaceful woman, Mariah made a choice to study spells that would do the least amount of harm to others, finding enchantments that would pacify or affect an opponent's will. As the years passed, the magical ether within Britannia became distorted, and as a result, Mariah and the other mages of the realm became insane.
When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, he was shocked to find his old friend Mariah wandering about complimenting inanimate objects. When asked about her job, Mariah remarked that she could only sell, and on certain days, which always seemed to be the day the Avatar asked her on, and proceeded to offer the Avatar a range of spells from all Eight of the Circles of Magic, as well as maintained a variety of reagents and potions. Following the destruction of the Guardian's Tetrahedron Generator within the Dungeon Deceit, Mariah's mind cleared as the ether once again began to flow smoothly. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Mariah remained within the Lycaeum, continuing her studies. |
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A lovely woman with an icy stare, Zelda was the advisor at the Lycaeum, managing and regulating events within the castle as well as providing assistance to the people of Moonglow. When the Avatar arrived within Moonglow, Zelda greeted the Champion of Virtue sourly, and after a bit of prompting, gave some information about the people of Moonglow: Penumbra, the sleeping mage who could only be awakened by the Avatar; Mariah, the one-time Companion of the Avatar who had gone insane with the rest of the mages; Nelson, the eccentric head of the Lycaeum who loved to show off his collection of trinkets, Jillian, the intelligent scholar who researched the many books of the Lycaeum; and Brion, brother to Nelson, who ran the Observatory east of the Lycaeum.
Zelda confessed that she was in love with the astronomer, but was unable to convey her feelings to him. Asking the Avatar to do so for her, Zelda's demeanor softened as she told the Avatar of a new book she had uncovered, an ancient tome titled 'Avatar Adventures', based on the diary of the Avatar during his many quests. When the Avatar returned, he told Zelda that while Brion was not interested in her affections, his brother Nelson had deep feelings for her. Deciding that the 'second-best' would do, Zelda thanked the Avatar for his help. As the Avatar continued his quest, Zelda remained within the Lycaeum, continuing her tasks. |
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Brother of Nelson, Brion was the head of the Observatory in Moonglow. When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, Brion greeted the Champion of Virtue excitedly, explaining that a special event would take place soon. Brion explained that every 800 years in Britannia an Astronomical Alignment would occur, where the planets and moons would line up perfectly. Although he did not know it yet, this information would help the Avatar in his quest, as the Guardian planned to enter Britannia using the Black Gate constructed by Batlin, Elizabeth, and Abraham when the Alignment opened the blackrock portal. As they spoke, Brion mentioned Elad, the local healer who would visit the Observatory to help curb his wanderlust. When asked about his brother Nelson, Brion laughed saying that his brother received all the looks and brains in his family, and when approached by the Avatar about Zelda's feelings for him, Brion remarked that his time was spent viewing the stars, with none to spare.
When the Avatar was unable to enter the Guardian's Cube Generator in the Meditation Retreat, the Time Lord recommended he seek out Brion's help with a mysterious mineral known as Caddellite. When asked, Brion referred the Avatar to his brother Nelson for its location, while recommending Zorn, the blacksmith of Minoc, to craft helmets to protect the Avatar. Before the Avatar left, Brion took the time to tell him about his various trinkets: a moon made from green cheese, a gold sextant passed down for over 200 years to each member of the Observatory, a kite he constructed from a book in the Lycaeum, and a collection of crystals designed to work as an orrery once the Avatar brought a crystal from Addom of Yew, a traveler, to complete it. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Brion remained within the Observatory, continuing his research. |
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Brother of Brion, Nelson was the head of the Lycaeum in Moonglow, but often preferred to let his assistant Zelda handle the day-to-day workings of the great castle of learning. When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, Nelson greeted the Champion of Virtue, and when asked about his brother Brion, Nelson laughed saying that his brother received all the looks and brains in his family. As they spoke, Nelson confessed that he had feelings for his assistant Zelda, but was unable to approach her on the matter. When the Avatar agreed to speak with Zelda on his behalf, Nelson was grateful. After speaking with Zelda, the Avatar told Nelson about Zelda's new feelings for him, and Nelson gladly gave some information about the people of Moonglow: Brion, his brother, who ran the Observatory east of the Lycaeum; Mariah, the one-time Companion of the Avatar who had gone insane with the rest of the mages; Phearcy, the local bartender of the Friendly Knave who knew almost everyone on the island; and Penumbra, the sleeping mage who could only be awakened by the Avatar.
When the Avatar was unable to enter the Guardian's Cube Generator in the Meditation Retreat, the Time Lord recommended he seek out Brion's help with a mysterious mineral known as Caddellite. When asked, Brion referred the Avatar to his brother Nelson for its location, who in turn recommended the Avatar seek out Jillian. Before the Avatar left, Nelson took the time to tell him about his various trinkets: a brass bookstand with a matching overhanging candleholder, a solid-gold bookmark shaped like a maple leaf, a serpent-shaped oaken quill holder and matching scroll opener he found at Serpent's Hold, and a first edition copy of the book 'Stranger in a Strange Land' given to him by Lord British. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Nelson remained within the Lycaeum, overseeing his tasks. |
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Wife of Effram and mother of Mikhail, Jillian was the scholar for the Lycaeum, researching the many books found inside the great castle of learning. When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, Jillian greeted the Champion of Virtue and offered to train him at the rate of 68 gold coins per session, her training focusing on increasing the skills of Intelligence and Magic. When the Avatar was unable to enter the Guardian's Cube Generator in the Meditation Retreat, the Time Lord recommended he seek out Brion's help with a mysterious mineral known as Caddellite. When asked, Brion referred the Avatar to his brother Nelson for its location, who in turn recommended the Avatar seek out Jillian.
After all this chasing about, Jillian was able to tell the Avatar of the lost isle of Ambrosia, once located in the North East sea, which following the destruction of Exodus in the time scholars called the Ages of Darkness, was struck by meteorites that destroyed its primary city. Jillian theorized that these meteorites of Caddillite could still be found beneath the rubble of the ancient ruined city. As the Avatar continued his quest, Jillian remained in the Lycaeum, researching the past. |
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A man with a pleasant smile, Rankin was the branch leader of the Fellowship in Moonglow, and was often aided by his clerk Balayna. Although Rankin had headed the branch in Moonglow for over 5 years, he still considered himself a new branch leader as it was the last one built in Britannia. When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, Rankin greeted the Champion of Virtue and asked him how he could be of assistance. When asked about Elizabeth and Abraham's last known whereabouts, Rankin remarked that he had not seen them since they were last in Moonglow for a training session. As they spoke, the Avatar said that Balayna had mentioned some concerns about Rankin's leadership, to which Rankin laughed, citing Balayna's ambitions causing her to misunderstand a recruitment speech he had with Tolemac.
Rankin then asked the Avatar to deliver a vial of liquor that Balayna had ordered from a merchant of Britain, and that he had simply not had enough time to deliver. Agreeing, the Avatar presented Balayna with the vial, and watched in horror as she died from the poisonous fumes within. Upon his return, Rankin asked the Avatar about the delivery, and professed shock at her murder, asking the Avatar to watch for the merchant that delivered it. Later, when the Avatar had possession of the Cube prism from the Cube Generator in the Meditation Retreat, he confronted Rankin about her death, Rankin laughed how Balayna conveniently stopped breathing. Sickened, the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, leaving Rankin in Moonglow. |
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A serious woman, Balayna was the clerk for the Fellowship Branch in Moonglow, often assisting the branch leader Rankin by keeping records and administrating his decisions. When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, Balayna greeted the Champion of Virtue and immediately raised her concerns about Rankin's leadership, citing an incident where she witnessed him speaking to Tolemac, a local farmer, against the Fellowship. Balayna then asked the Avatar to bring her suspicions to Batlin when he next traveled to Britain. While they spoke, Balayna told the Avatar that while she was very busy with her duties in the Fellowship, she knew Phearcy, the local bartender, who she considered to bean outstanding member of the community, and Tolemac the local farmer.
The Avatar later confronted Rankin about Balayna's concerns in his leadership, to which Rankin laughed, citing Balayna's ambitions causing her to misunderstand a recruitment speech he had with Tolemac. Rankin then asked the Avatar to deliver a vial of liquor that Balayna had ordered from a merchant of Britain, and that he had simply not had enough time to deliver. Agreeing, the Avatar presented Balayna with the vial, and watched in horror as she died from the poisonous fumes within. The Avatar later confronted Rankin with her death, but the Fellowship leader seemed shocked but ultimately unconcerned about her death as the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia. |
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Brother of Tolemac, Cubolt was a farmer in Moonglow, working alongside his brother and their mutual friend Morz. When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, Cubolt greeted the Champion of Virtue warmly and offered to help the Avatar in any way he could. Cubolt mentioned that while he knew a few residents, Zelda, the Lycaeum clerk and Phearcy, the local bartender would be the best people for information. Cubolt also mentioned the twin brothers, Nelson the Lycaeum head and Brion the head of the Observatory, but admitted that he had never met either. Cubolt was very clear that the Avatar did not want to speak with either Rankin or Balayna of the Fellowship Branch in Moonglow. When asked, Cubolt admitted that they frightened him, and their odd philosophy seemed to teach people to forget who they were in order to follow them, in a dehumanizing process that seemed against the Eight Virtues of Lord British.
Cubolt was also upset that his brother Tolemac had joined the Fellowship, and was trying to get Morz to join. Morz, Cubolt told the Avatar, had a habit of listening to Tolemac too often, citing back to the event that caused Morz's stutter. Morz was five years old when he and Tolemac were wrestling in the back of a wagon, when it hit a bump and Morz fell out, landing on his head causing his stutter, although Tolemac had no recollection of the event and Morz refused to speak of it. As the Avatar continued his quest, Cubolt remained in Moonglow, growing his crops. |
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Brother of Cubolt, Tolemac was a farmer in Moonglow, working alongside his brother and their mutual friend Morz, as well as being a member of the Fellowship. When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, Tolemac greeted the Champion of Virtue offering to help him any way he could. Tolemac mentioned that while he knew a few residents, Rankin, the branch leader, and Balayna, his clerk, of the Fellowship Branch in Moonglow, as well as the local bartender Phearcy.
Tolemac told the Avatar about his brother Cubolt, and also of their friend Morz, who had a terrible stutter due to an accident when he was a child. Morz was five years old when he and Tolemac were wrestling in the back of a wagon, when it hit a bump and Morz fell out, landing on his head causing his stutter, although Tolemac had only a vague recollection of the event and Morz refused to speak of it. When the Avatar asked Tolemac about the Fellowship, Tolemac mentioned that while his brother Cubolt always had a problem with letting him make his own decisions, he would not abandon his beliefs. As the Avatar continued his quest, Tolemac remained in Moonglow, helping his brother to grow crops. |
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A shy man, Morz was a farmer in Moonglow, working alongside his friends Cubolt and Tolemac tending the fields. When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, Morz greeted the Champion of Virtue shyly, often stuttering over his words. When the Avatar spoke to Cubolt and Tolemac, he learned
that Morz's stutter was due to an accident when he was a child. Morz was five years old when he and Tolemac were wrestling in the back of a wagon, when it hit a bump and Morz fell out, landing on his head causing his stutter, although Tolemac had only a vague recollection of the event.
Realizing that mentioning it would only hurt Morz's feelings, the Avatar decided not to comment on the stutter. As they spoke, Morz mentioned that while he trusted Tolemac, who had recently joined the Fellowship and wanted Morz to join, Cubolt had told him not to join them as he felt they were evil. The Avatar, having learned of Batlin's true nature and the plans of the Fellowship, told Morz not to join. As the Avatar continued his quest, Morz remained in Moonglow, helping to tend the crops. |
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Husband of Jillian and father of Mikhail, Effrem worked at home caring for his infant son while his wife worked at the Lycaeum. When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, Effram greeted the Champion of Virtue and introduced him to his son Mikhail. As they spoke, Effram commented that he felt he should have been the one out earning a living while his wife cared for the child, but Jillian pointed out that they had made an agreement when Mikhail was born. Effram was disappointed in having to tend the child all the time, but was a caring father, doting on his infant son. As the Avatar continued his quest, Effram remained in Moonglow, raising his son. |
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An interesting woman, Carlyn was the tailor of Moonglow, and often tended the Friendly Knave for Phearcy while he attended his Fellowship meetings. When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, Carlyn greeted the Champion of Virtue and offered to sell him fine clothing. As they spoke, Carlyn admitted that Phearcy would be the best person to speak to about the residents, as she did not know many. As to the Fellowship, Carlyn professed little interest in the group, and referred the Avatar to seek out Tolemac, a local farmer who was a member, Rankin, the branch leader, or Balayna the Fellowship clerk. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Carlyn remained in Moonglow, working at her craft. |
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A lithe-looking fighter, Chad was a trainer in Moonglow, specializing in light weapons that increased the skills of Dexterity and Combat. When the Avatar arrived within Moonglow, Chad immediately offered to train the Champion of Virtue at the rate of 45 gold coins per session. When asked about the city of Moonglow, Chad remarked that the Avatar should seek out Phearcy the local bartender for information. As the Avatar continued his quest, Chad remained in Moonglow, training those in need. |
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A man with smiling eyes, Elad was the healer in Moonglow, aiding those in need with his skill. When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, Elad welcomed the Champion of Virtue and offered in jest to travel with him in his quests. In truth, Elad was weary of his life in Moonglow, but had many strong ties to the town, having been born and raised within it. As they spoke, Elad recalled his father's memories of the town before in merged with the Lycaeum, and when asked by the Avatar, Elad provided much information about its residents: Nelson, the kind man who ran the Lycaeum; Zelda, his lovely advisor; Jillian, the scholar who taught many things; Mariah, the harmless but somewhat crazy mage; Brion, the twin brother of Nelson and head of the Observatory; Cubolt, Tolemac, and Morz, the local farmers; Phearcy, the local bartender at the Friendly Knave who loved to gossip; Chad, the local weapons trainer; Rankin and his clerk Balayna, who ran the Fellowship Hall in Moonglow; and finally Addom, not a resident but a traveler from Yew, who Elad allowed to stay with him in exchange for his exciting tales of adventures. As the Avatar continued his quest, Elad continued with his own adventures of healing those that needed him. |
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A man with a friendly smile, Phearcy was the bartender for the Friendly Knave in Moonglow, as well as being a Fellowship member. When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, Phearcy greeted the Champion of Virtue and offered to provide the finest refreshment in Moonglow. Phearcy proved to be a wealthy source of information about the local residents: Nelson, the head of the Lycaeum and Brion's twin brother; Zelda, the beautiful Lycaeum advisor; Jillian, the Lycaeum scholar who was married to Effrem; Mariah, the local mage who sold spells; Carlyn, the tailor who also tended the bar while Phearcy attended his Fellowship meetings; Cubolt, Tolemac, and Morz, the farmers of Moonglow; Elad, the healer who secretly longed for adventure but would never leave his patients; Chad, the friendly trainer; Rankin and his clerk Balayna, who ran the Fellowship Branch in Moonglow; and Brion, the twin brother of Nelson and the head of the Observatory.
As they spoke, Phearcy promised the Avatar a free meal and drink if he could unravel the mystery of why Zelda would become more pleasant whenever Brion was mentioned. After a bit of investigating, the Avatar let Phearcy in on the secret, and collected on the bet. As the Avatar continued his quest, Phearcy remained in Moonglow, running his bar. |
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Husband of Penni, Addom hailed from the city of Yew, but traveled the world in search of rare and unique items. When the Avatar arrived in Moonglow, Addom greeted the Champion of Virtue warmly. As they spoke, Addom admitted that he knew only three people in Moonglow: Nelson, the man in charge of the Lycaeum and a collector of trinkets; Phearcy, the friendly barkeep who loved to gossip; and Elad, the generous healer who had graciously allowed Addom to stay with him in exchange for stories of his adventures.
When asked about his travels, Addom remarked that everything he learned to survive came from his wife Penni, who was a trainer of close-quarter combat. While conversing, Addom showed the Avatar a strange crystal he had found in the travels that he had hoped to sell to Nelson, but they had found no use for it. Remembering the orrery that Brion had shown him, the Avatar asked to buy the crystal from Addom to complete it. Addom offered to sell it for 20 gold pieces, which the Avatar gratefully paid. As the Avatar continued his quest, Addom remained in Moonglow, enjoying the history of the island. |
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A talking fox, Frank was a self-proclaimed 'devout follower of honesty'. When the Avatar arrived within Moonglow, Frank welcomed the Champion of Virtue, commenting that the Avatar's voice crackled too much as he spoke. Frank told the Avatar he was on a quest for honesty, and that the Paragon of the Principles would have more friends if he bathed more often, to prevent him from stinking. As the Avatar asked Frank what he meant about his friends, Frank replied that he knew Dupre was a drunken sot who lost all will when confronted with a tankard of ale, Iolo overcharged for his bows and arrows, and Shamino was a coward who ran away from battle in fear, all the while commenting on the Avatar's poor taste in companions, his bad breath, his rather large nose, and his lack of intelligence. Against the better judgment of his friends, the Avatar refrained from attacking Frank for his comments, knowing that one must consider the source. As the Avatar continued his quest to save Britannia, Frank remarked about the Avatar's lack of manners as he remained in Moonglow to continue his own quest of honesty. |
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