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Icy Tombs of the Past; The Frozen Wastes

The Gwani
Yenani / Baiyanda / Bwundai / Mwaerno / Myauri / Neyobi / Gilwoyai / Kapyundi


Yenani Leader of the Gwani people, keeper of their ancient history, and mate to Myuari, Yenani is also the mother of Neyobi and Kapyundi. Once a proud people, the Gwani once held a powerful artifact of Balance, known as the Great Horn of the Gwani. When used, even the largest glacier would tremble as the horn was sounded. Used during ceremonies at the Gwani Death Temple, the Horn was a symbol of the balance between the Gwani and nature until it was stolen by the vampire mage Vasculio and taken into the Skullcrusher mountains for his strange experiments. The Gwani learned to find balance without their Horn, and it lay there forgotten until the Avatar recovered it in his travels.

When she first met the Avatar, her daughter Neyobi ley dying of a strange sickness, and even the healer, Baiyanda, was unable to help her. She promised to aid the Avatar with his quest provided he would slay an Ice Dragon and return with a bucket of blood. The Avatar accepted, and following a fierce battle, he returned with the blood that saved Neyobi's life. Grateful, Yenani told the Avatar the password to open the hidden gates of Skullcrusher. Yenani also told of the evil Trapper who hunted the Gwani for pure sport. The Trapper had stolen an ancient Gwani amulet, and Yenani promised a reward to the Avatar for retrieving it. The Avatar tracked the Trapper to his hidden lair, and after a brief fight, removed the amulet from his cooling body. Once returned, Yenani presented the Avatar with the Serpent Tooth to Sunrise Isle, home of the Grand Shrine of Balance.

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Baiyanda Healer of the Gwani people, and mate to Mwaerno, Baiyanda was a pround member of the Gwani race. A peaceful creature, she shunned the use of magic, fearing it caused corruption between the balance of the Gwani and nature. Well versed in herb lore, Baiyanda used her skills to help her people, but there was one illness she could not treat. Young Neyobi fell prey to an illness that seemed untreatable until the Avatar traveled to the Frozen Wastes. Baiyanda told of the blood of an Ice Dragon, a rare reagent used to cure magical illnesses, and begged the Avatar to fetch some. The Avatar agreed, and after a fierce battle with the ancient Wyrm, returned the blood to save Neyobi's life.

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Bwundai A hunter, Bwundai was an asset to the Gwani people during their hunts. Following the death of Gwenno at the hands of the evil Trapper, Bwundai greeted the Avatar as he first ventured into the Frozen Wastes. After giving directions to the Gwani camp, Bwundai relayed the sad news of Gwenno's death, and explained that her body was held at the Gwani Death Temple. Grateful, the Avatar traveled on, leaving Bwundai to his hunt.

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Mwaerno Hunter of the Gwani, and mate to Baiyanda, Mwaerno, or 'Rain Clouds' in the Gwani tongue, often hunted the desolate stretches of the Frozen Wastes, skillful in the hunt. When the Avatar arrived in the Wastes, Mwaerno told him of the serious illness that had befallen Neyobi, and urged the Avatar to seek his mate, Baiyanda. The Avatar thanked Mwaerno, and left him to his hunt.

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Myauri Hunt Master of the Gwani, father of Neyobi and Kapyundi, and mate to Yenani, Myauri, or 'Blizzard' in the Gwani tongue, was a great leader and huntsman for his tribe. Shortly before the arrival of the Avatar, his young daughter Neyobi fell deathly ill, and despite the valiant efforts of Baiyanda, she seemed certain to die. When the Avatar appeared, Myauri implored the Avatar to seek his mate Yenani to fetch the blood of an Ice Dragon. Despite the difficult battles, the Avatar was able to fetch the blood and save Neyobi's life.

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Neyobi Daughter of Yenani and Myauri, and sister to Kapyundi, Neyobi, or 'Little Dew Drops' in the Gwani tongue, was a playful child, curious about the world about her. Shortly before the arrival of the Avatar, Neyobi contracted a deadly disease that nearly killed her, despite the efforts of the Gwani healer, Baiyanda. When the Avatar arrived, both of her parents were struck with a ray of hope. Telling the Avatar of the blood of an Ice Dragon, they send him to a northern cave in hopes of saving their child's life. They were proven correct, as the Avatar returned with the precious blood, and thus saved the life of Neyobi.

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Gilwoyai A hunter for the Gwani, Gilwoyai, or 'Of the Wind' in the Gwani tongue, was the hunting partner of Kapyundi in their quest to obtain the blood of an Ice Dragon. They sought to save the life of young Neyobi, but their hunting party took a turn for the worse. Out of the five brave warriors to approach the Ice Dragon's lair, only Gilwoyai and Kapyundi managed to escape with their lives, although both were badly wounded. When the Avatar arrived in the Frozen Wastes, he met Gilwoyai, who was traveling back to the village. Before returning to seek Baiyanda to heal him, Gilwoyai gave the Avatar some useful information about the Ice Dragon and its lair. This information proved useful when the Avatar returned with the precious blood that saved Neyobi's life.

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Kapyundi Son of Yenani and Myauri, and brother to Neyobi, Kapyundi, or 'Little Glacier' in the Gwani tongue, was a huntsman following in the steps of his father. After his sister was diagnosed with her deadly disease, Kapyundi joined with Gilwoyai to bring Baiyanda the blood of an Ice Dragon. Their hunting party took a turn for the worse as three of the five brave warriors to approach the Ice Dragon's lair were killed, leaving only Gilwoyai and Kapyundi to escape with their lives, although both were badly wounded. When the Avatar arrived in the Frozen Wastes, he met Kapyundi, who was traveling back to the village. Kapyundi gave the Avatar some useful information about the Ice Dragon and its lair, which proved useful when the Avatar returned with the precious blood that saved Neyobi's life.

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