Houston Dragon's Ultima Page

Ultima Resource Library

Welcome! As the new webmaster of the Ultima Resource Library, I'll be dedicated to finding hundreds of links to pages, sites, pictures, sounds, and programs related to the Ultima series of computer role-playing games.

As the Ultima Resource Library is in a state of constant repairs, please send any and all resources to jhosie@mindspring.com, and I'll be happy to update them as soon as possible. Enjoy!

Updated: Feburary 8, 2000 / What's New

The Codex

Ultima Resource Library

Maintained by Houston Dragon
Programmed and designed by Laurens M. Fridael
Site design and content ©1999
Comments and suggestions to jhosie@mindspring.com
The Ultima Resource Library is not associated with nor endorsed by Origin Systems, Inc.
Ultima is a registered trademark of Origin Systems, Inc.
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